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UQ Research Data Manager

Provides information about how to use the UQ Research Data Manager (UQRDM) to store and manage research data for research projects.

Set up a UQRDM project record - HDR students

All HDR students should have one project record in collaboration with their principal advisor for their Doctorate or M. Phil degree – to be used from the beginning of your degree for data storage, progress reviews, and thesis submission. 

Detailed instructions on how to set up your UQRDM project record can be found in Create a New Project. However, HDR students should make sure you:

  1. Login using your UQ student username (sXXXXXXX) and password to create a project record for your thesis.
  2. Select YES when asked  "Is this project a higher degree by research (HDR) project" on the form.
  3. Add your Principal Advisor as the Project Lead.
  4. Add your UQ staff credential (if you have one) to the project record as a "Collaborator". This will allow you to access your files regardless of whether you have logged in as a student or a staff member.
  5. Add appropriate storage. All HDR students should select 'storage allocation will not be used to store identifiable human data' as a minimum. This will help you share your progress reviews later. If you also require secure storage for human identifable data, add a second storage allocation.

Your supervisor will then need to Approve the project record. 

Watch How to set up UQRDM for your HDR project (YouTube, 3m 22s):

Activating access to storage for HDR students

When your project record is complete you will receive an email to activate access to your storage. Click on the link in the email.

If you have also added your Staff login credentials in the project record as a collaborator:

  1.  You will receive Two (2) separate activation emails. One for each login. Activate them both separately as follows.
  2.  Click on the link in the email sent to your student account, when prompted, login to UQRDM using your student ID to activate the access. Logout from UQRDM.
  3. Click on the link in the email sent to your staff account, when prompted, login to UQRDM using your staff ID to activate the access. 

Important icon Note that you need to go through these two activation processes separately. Once you have activated your student login, logout from UQRDM ( Then click on the activation link sent to your staff email and login using your staff credentials. The same process applies to the situation where you activated your staff login first; logout from UQRDM before clicking on the activation link sent to your student email and login using your student credentials. This will ensure both your student and staff accounts are properly registered, and you can see both accounts in the system.

By correctly activating both your student ID and staff ID you will be able to access your storage from anywhere, regardless of which login you use.

Structuring your data folders and collections

Before creating a folder structure in your UQRDM storage allocation, discuss the best approach for the folder structure with your supervisor and other collaborators. A well thought out and consistent folder and file structure can improve the efficiency of your work.

Data Management Plans for HDRs

As you begin your HDR project, you will need to discuss with your supervisor the best way to plan and manage your data. This might include how to name your project and storage allocations in UQRDM, file naming conventions and file formats to use, as well as security, access and ongoing management of the data.

An ideal way to do this is to create a data management plan.

Follow the Library's Data Management Plan Checklist for more tips, or contact

Accessing your storage and uploading files

There are plenty of ways to get help on setting up access to your storage.

  1. You will receive an email advising you that your storage is ready. The email includes a link to instructions on how to access your storage folders for your UQRDM project.
  2. Use the Accessing your storage instructionsThis will guide you on where you go to save your documents, set up folders, and store your data.
  3. Your UQRDM Project Record also contains instructions on how to access and use your storage.

You can create folders and upload/save documents to your UQRDM storage in the same way you would add them to any other file directory.  If you have questions check out our FAQs for detailed help.

Research Progress Reports

Upload your Research Progress Report documents in your UQRDM project storage so that your Principal Advisor can access.

Important icon  Note that you do not need to create a new record and add a new storage to lodge the Research Progress Report if you already have a project record and a storage allocation.  You can create a folder and name it Progress Report in the existing storage and upload your report in the folder. 

  1. Check your Supervisor has been added as "Project Lead" in your UQRDM project record. This gives them access to all files saved for this project.
  2. Complete your Research Progress Report.
  3. Save it to your R: drive or save it via UQRDM cloud. Make sure you save it to the correct project if you have more than one.

Done! Your supervisor will now be able to access that document from wherever they are, and review it for you.

Progress Reviews

HDR candidate progression at UQ is supported by a sequence of activities that include 3 Progress Reviews. UQRDM faciliates the sharing of progress reviews with examiners.

Does your storage allocation support sharing progress reviews?

Storage allocations that were created to store human identifiable data will not support the progress review process. Other types of storage allocation (ie not set up for human identifable data; linked to HPC facilities) will support the progress review process.

Login to UQRDM, open your project record and check the storage allocation to confirm this before you proceed.

If your storage allocation is for human identifiable data, don't worry. You can add another storage allocation, which is suitable for all general types of data, you can proceed with your progress review. Follow the steps below to create a suitable storage allocation.

Add another storage allocation

  1. Login to your UQRDM project record.
  2. From the 'Connected Services' pane on your UQRDM record page click "Add storage" (see image 1).
  3. Click "Type of data being stored / used" and choose a storage allocation that will not store identifiable human data (see image 2).
    • Choose either of these options:
      • This storage allocation will not be used to store identifiable human data, nor does it require HPC facilities
      • This storage allocation will be used to store data that needs to be accessed by UQ HPC facilities.
    • Do not choose - This storage allocation will be used to store human identifiable data.

Image 1

Connected Services - Add storage option.

Image 2

Storage description options.

Once your new storage allocation is provisioned you will be able to store your review documents and share a link to the Progress Review files with your reviewers using the 'Share link' function described below.

Prepare your Progress Review files to share

  1. Go to your UQRDM research project storage allocation, which is PENDING20-A3913 as shown in the screen below, as an example.
  2. Create a folder with the name Progress Reviews, which is 05_Progress Reviews as shown in the screen below.
  3. Within Progress Review folder, create three more folders with the names Progress Review 1, Progress Review 2, and Progress Review 3 respectively, as shown in the screen below.
  4. Save only the files or documentation that are needed for the particular review in the designated folder.  For example, save files needed only for Progress Review 1 in the Progress Review 1 folder .  For materials required for Progress Reviews, please check with your school.

Remember, you only need one project record for your HDR research project (for example, PENDING20-A3913 in the screen shown below), but you can add more than one storage allocations if needed.  Within one storage allocation, you can create as many folders as you like, but provide meaningful names to the folders, so that you know what's in the folder.  For example as shown in the screen below, you create a folder called 05_Progress Reviews in the storage PENDING20-A3913, then within that folder, create three more folders called Progress Review 1, Progress Review 2 and Progress Review 3 respectively.

Example of meaningful folder names.

Share your Progress Review files

  1. To share the folder that contains progress review files with your external reviewers, you need to use "share link" function on the RDM cloud. A unique link and a password will be created by UQRDM which can then be provided to the reviewers, which they can use to access the documents.
  2. Read these instructions on how to copy a link and password generated by UQRDM system using "Share link" function.
  3. Add the generated sharing link to the 'Documents' field in your Progress Review submission form, and the password to the 'Password' field.