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UQ Research Data Manager

Provides information about how to use the UQ Research Data Manager (UQRDM) to store and manage research data for research projects.

Purpose and uses

Additional sharing (by email or link) is available within the UQRDM cloud web interface. It is important to note that this functionality is not available if you have indicated that your project has "identifiable human data" while setting up your record in the UQRDM

There are several reasons why you may choose to use this functionality. Below are a few ways that it can be used: 

1. To share data with people not named on the record as a "collaborator" (e.g. international, industry etc.). 

2. To control access, so that people (not named on the record) can only see certain sub-folder/s or files (not the whole allocation folder). 

3. To allow people to have "read only" access to the data, or to only upload files into the allocation folder.

For more information on how to use this functionality, refer to the video in the section below: Controlling access to your project data, and sharing with other researchers.

Controlling access to your project data, and sharing with other researchers

Share with specific email address

The first way you can share folders/files with partners who are not named on the record is by entering the email address of the person you want to share the data with. To do this, follow these steps: 

1   Login to Once logged in you will see a list of your storage allocations.  Select the appropriate storage allocation where the folder you want to share sits.

2   To enable the sharing function, click on the "share" icon next to the folder you want to share. 

Note: This will not be possible if you have indicated that the project has identifiable human data, while setting up your record in the UQRDM. 

Note: You can choose to share a folder within your storage allocation, or a single file within a folder. In this screenshot, we are sharing a folder. 

3   Enter the email address of the person that you would like to share the folder/file with. 



4   Once you have entered the email address, the person you have added will automatically receive an email from UQRDM cloud with a link to access the folder/file you have shared with them. They will also receive a separate email with the unique password they are required to enter to access the folder/file. This password is computer generated.

5   You can then choose from a number of additional options in the side menu (three dot menu). These include:

(a) setting access permissions:

  1. read only access (set by default)
  2. allow upload and editing
  3. file drop (allowing file upload only so can't see the contents of the folder) 

(b) changing the password

(c) setting an expiry date - this can be set at a maximum of 180 days, the default expiry date is 14 days

(d) unsharing



Share link

The second way you can share folders/files with partners who are not named on the record is by 'sharing link' via the UQRDM Cloud. To do this, please follow these steps: 

1   Login to logged in you should see a list of your storage allocations, for example MyPHD_2024_CA. 

2   To enable the sharing function, click on the "share" icon.

Note: This will not be possible if you have indicated that the project has identifiable human data, while setting up your record in the UQRDM. 


Note: You can choose to share your whole allocation folder, a sub-folder, or a single file. In this screenshot, we are sharing the whole project folder. 

3   Select the "share link" option, by clicking the plus (+) icon.



4   This prompts a 'triple dot menu' to appear and a pop-up box where you can choose to:

  • retain or edit the Expiration date*
  • retain the autogenerated password or replace with your own unique password. Highlight and copy the password at this point. 

Click the arrow next to the password (circled in the image below) to generate the private URL.




* Note: You must set an expiry date when 'sharing by link'. This is set at a default maximum of 180 days; however you can shorten this time if you wish. If you wish to extend beyond 180 days, you will have to set up the share again at the end of the expiry period. 

5  A new 'Copy to clipboard' icon will appear on the 'Share link' row. Click this to copy the URL to share with your collaborator(s), then paste it into an email.  You can then share this URL with anyone who needs access to the folder/file, along with the unique password that you had copied earlier (in step 4 above). 



6   Click the 'triple dot menu' again to choose from a number of additional options. These include: 

(a) Setting access permissions:

  1. read only access (set by default) 
  2. allow upload and editing
  3. allow file drop only (so can't see the contents of the folder)  

(b) Editing password and expiration date

(c) Unsharing or adding another link







How to use Share Link function ((YouTube, 2m47s)