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UQ Research Data Manager

Provides information about how to use the UQ Research Data Manager (UQRDM) to store and manage research data for research projects.

Create a Data Management Plan

UQRDM provides a basic template for a research data management plan for UQ researchers and HDR students. A research data management plan addresses how research data will be managed during, and shared after, the project. There is also a Research Data Management Plan Checklist to guide researchers through planning their data management process.

While there are no formal requirements for researchers that complete data management plans be submitted for assessment under the Australian Research Council (ARC) and the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), they are required to be in place prior to the commencement of the project. The National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research states researchers should develop a data management plan.

See more information on data management plans from the Australian Research Data Commons.


Note: The DMP functionality is being re-developed with an upgrade expected to be released later in 2024.

Export and download a data management plan in UQRDM

The information provided in your UQRDM project record, including the storage allocation information, determines the quality of the DMP generated by UQRDM. Please note that you may need to edit the DMP generated to ensure it meets the requirements for such activities as grants or ethics.


Create a Data Management Plan

Both the record owner and the lead can export the information contained within a UQRDM record into a data management plan.

1. Open your active project record, scroll to the bottom.

2. Click on the "Download the data management plan". A separate page will open showing a PDF document with your data management plan, prefilled with information from the UQRDM project record. 

3. Review the downloaded document and edit or update as appropriate. Save the final plan in UQRDM so collaborators can view and follow the data management plan.