If you depart from the University, the data should still remain at UQ as per the Research Data Management Policy. You may retain copies of research data, taking into account the confidentiality and possible sensitivity of the data.
The following is intended to assist with exit procedures, if you are about to leave UQ;
If you are the UQ Lead and/or Owner of any UQRDM Records, please update each record with a new Lead and/or Owner by selecting another project collaborator to take on the role. The UQ Lead and Owner should both be an employee at UQ. This can include UQ staff who have an honorary or an adjunct appointment. HDR students (even if also employed as staff at UQ) should not be the UQ Lead. The project collaborator must be “active” (i.e. logged in and joined the project), in order to be changed to the UQ lead and/or Owner. Consider also updating the Unit leading the project. To save any changes made to the record, remember to click the blue save button.
If you are listed as a collaborator on any UQRDM Records, please note that once UQ credentials cease to work, you will no longer have access to the research data. You may wish to discuss access with the UQ Lead and/or Owner of such projects, if it is an ongoing collaboration.
If you will continue to collaborate on this project with the team based at UQ, one way of retaining your access to the data is to ask the new Lead or Owner of the UQRDM record to add you as a collaborator to the project with your new institutional credentials or LinkedIn credentials. And the LinkedIn credentials can be used when the collaborator is no longer affiliated with an institution within the AAF, Tuakiri, or eduGAIN federations.
Note: Where projects span several institutions, an agreement must be developed at the outset covering the control and management of research data.