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Vancouver referencing style

Vancouver - numbered referencing style

Thesis - print

Elements of the citation Author - family name followed by initials. Thesis title [type of thesis]. Place of publication: Publisher; Year.

Note:  - insert "dissertation" for a PhD and 
            - insert "master's thesis" for a master's degree
Reference list
  1. Kay JG. Intracellular cytokine trafficking and phagocytosis in macrophages [dissertation]. St Lucia (AU): University of Queensland; 2007
In-text reference The research is support by Kay (1)...
EndNote reference type Thesis

Thesis Type field: enter - type of thesis eg. dissertation

Thesis retrieved from fulltext database or internet

Elements of the citation Author - family named followed by initials. Thesis title [type of thesis/dissertation on the Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher; Year [cited date – year month day]. Available from: URL

Note: for [type of thesis/dissertation on the Internet]
           - insert "dissertation on the Internet" for a PhD
           - insert "master's thesis on the Internet" for a master's degree
Reference list
  1. Pahl KM. Preventing anxiety and promoting social and emotional strength in early childhood: an investigation of risk factors [dissertation on the Internet]. St Lucia (AU): University of ​Queensland; 2009 [cited 2017 Nov 22]. Available from:
In-text reference The research...2
EndNote reference type Thesis