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Vancouver referencing style

Vancouver - numbered referencing style

Newspaper article with author

Elements of the citation Author(s) – family name and initials. Article title. Newspaper title (edition of paper eg. Weekend edition). Date of publication – year month (3 letter abbreviation) day: Sect. Location eg. A:12 or Business 5 (5 is the page number) column number if applicable in brackets eg. (col. 1). (Sect = Section)
Reference list
  1. Purdon F. Colder babies at risk of SIDS. The Courier Mail. 2010 Mar 8:9.
  1. Robertson J. Not married to the art. The Courier Mail (Weekend edition). 2010 Mar 6‐7:Sect. ETC:15 (col.1).
In-text reference “many parents did not feed their babies enough”1...

Robertson2 states that…
EndNote reference type Newspaper article

Year field: enter - year and date eg. 2010 Mar 6‐ 7; 2010 Mar 8:9 – note “9” refers to page 9

Section field: enter  - ETC

If have a column number, this will need to be added to the Pages field after the page number eg. 15 (col.1)

If have a newspaper edition add this to the Title field eg. The Courier Mail (Weekend edition)

Newspaper article without author

Elements of the citation Article title. Newspaper title (edition of paper eg. Weekend edition). Date of publication – year month (3 letter abbreviation) day: Sect. Location eg. A:12 or Business 5 (5 is the page number) column number if applicable in brackets eg. (col. 1). (Sect = Section)
Reference list
  1. Meeting the needs of counsellors. The Courier Mail. 2001 May 5:22.
In-text reference The counsellors...3
EndNote reference type Newspaper article

22 is the page number

Magazine article

Elements of the citation Author– Family name and initials. Title of article. Abbreviated journal title. Publication year, month, day (month & day only if available);volume(issue):pages.
Reference list
  1. Marano HE. Making of a perfectionist. Psychol Today. 2008 Mar‐Apr;41:80‐86.
In-text reference The findings of the research,(4)...
EndNote reference type Electronic article

Year field: enter - year and full date including months if provided

Electronic newspaper article on the internet

Elements of the citation Author(s) – family name and initials. Article title. Newspaper title (edition of paper eg. Weekend edition) [Internet]. Date of publication - year month day [cited date - year month day]: Section of newspaper. Available from: URL

Section of newspaper eg. Research: [about 4 screens] or Health: A1
Reference list
  1. Drivers told: “Don’t use Clem7 tunnel”. The Courier Mail [Internet]. 2010 Mar 16 [cited 2010 Mar 16]. Available from: http://www.‐with‐flat‐tyre‐the‐ first‐to‐cause‐ -problems‐in‐clem7‐tunnel/story‐ e6freon6‐1225841179464M
Note with example 5 - EndNote will put a full stop after the cited date as there is no "Section of newspaper" but a colon after the cited date is still acceptable.
  1. Sack K. With Medicaid cuts, doctors and patients drop out. The New York Times [Internet]. 2010 Mar 16 [cited 2010 Mar 16]: Health:A1. Available from:
In-text reference The success of the Clem7 tunnel ...(5)

…causing them to leave.6
EndNote reference type Electronic article

Year field - enter year month(abbreviated to first 3 letters of the month) day eg. 2010 Mar 16

Periodical Title field - enter newspaper name and [Internet] eg. The Courier Mail [Internet]

Date Accessed field - enter the date you cited the article - year month day eg. 2010 March 20

Pages field - enter page numbers of the article – include the newspaper section if Health:A1