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Vancouver referencing style

Vancouver - numbered referencing style

Tables/ Figures / Images / Appendices

Elements of the citation

Follow the format of the reference type (book, journal, website or other source) in which you found the table/figure/image/appendix followed by: table/figure/image/appendix number of original source, Title of table/figure/image/appendix from original source; p. Page number of table/figure/image/appendix from original source.

Notes for citing and reproducing tables and figures
  • If you cite or reproduce/adapt a chart, figure, map, table, photograph or other illustrative material as a standalone reference, allocate a number to the reference list. If this illustrative material is referred to again later in your work, reuse the same number. Please refer to rules on in-text citations.
  • When citing an idea AND a table/figure from the same source, cite the journal article/book/website as one reference, and then the cited, reproduced or adapted table/figure with a different number in the Reference list.
  • Journal articles/books/other sources frequently contain charts, figures, maps, graphs, photographs or other illustrative materials reproduced with permission from an original author or organisation. If you are citing material from other sources, cite the table or figure from the originating document.
Reference list
  1. Smith J, Lipsitch M, Almond JW. Vaccine production, distribution, access, and uptake. Lancet 2011;378(9789):428‐438. Table 1, Examples of vaccine classes and associated industrial challenges; p. 429.
  2. Grivetti LE. Chocolate, crime, and the courts: Selected English trial documents, 1693‐1834. In: Grivetti LE, Shapiro H, editors. Chocolate: History and culture. Hoboken (NJ). John Wiley & Sons; 2009. Table 20.1, Chocolate‐related crime: Old Bailey court records; p. 244.
  3. Grivetti LE. Dark chocolate. In: Grivetti LE, Shapiro H, editors. Chocolate: History and culture. Hoboken (NJ). John Wiley & Sons; 2009. p. 255-262.
  4. Hong S. Wireless: From Marconi’s black‐box to the Audion. London (GB). MIT Press; 2001. Figure 1.5, Marconi's grounded antenna; p. 21.

In-text reference


In "Chocolate: History and culture", Grivetti lists 100s of crimes relating to chocolate2 as recorded in Old Bailey court records.


Table 3. Examples of vaccine classes and associated industrial challenges.(1)

[reproduced/adapted table inserted here]


Figure 2. Marconi’s grounded antenna. Adapted from Hong.4

[reproduced figure inserted here]


  • The table number in these examples would be the table number in your document and not the table number in the original document.
  • The original table number and title must be cited in the Reference list (see above).
  • If you change the table title in your document, you must cite the original title of the table in the Reference list. 
  • If you reproduced or adapted an original table/figure, please make a note.

In-text reference

(idea and reproduced table)

Example for citing an idea AND and a reproduced table from the same source:

Table 5. Chocolate related crime: Old Bailey court records.2

[reproduced/adapted table inserted here]


Crimes relating to chocolate were at an all-time high in the 17th century in Australia (Table 5).Chocolate associated crimes also occured in North America.3

EndNote reference type

Enter journal/Book/Book section details as normal.



Pages field:  insert a full stop after the page numbers and then add the details of the table/figure/image/ appendix eg. 428‐438. Table 1, Examples of vaccine classes and associated industrial challenges; p. 429


Book Section (for book chapters)

Pages field: enter - table details starting with table/figure/image/appendix as shown in the example. The ‘p.’ will be inserted by EndNote. If you are inserting page numbers for the chapter ‐ after the page numbers add ‘full stop space p.” followed by the table details. 



Year field:  insert a full stop and space after the year followed by the table/figure/image/appendix details as shown. eg. 2001. Figure 1.5, Marconi’s grounded antenna; p. 21