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Vancouver referencing style

Vancouver - numbered referencing style

Journal abbreviations

The titles of journals must be abbreviated according to the style used in the the National Library of Medicine's - NLM Catalog: Journals referenced in the NCBI databases.

If you cannot find a particular journal title in the NLM catalog: Journals referenced in the NCBI databases try:

CAS Source Index (CASSI) search tool
Index Medicus - abbreviations of journal titles

Endnote: Journal title abbreviations
To show abbreviated journal titles in your EndNote Vancouver reference list you need to download the Journals Terms List.

Journal article - one author

Elements of the citation Author– Family name and initials. Title of article. Abbreviated journal title. Publication year, month, day (month & day only if available);volume(issue):pages.
Reference list
  1. Snowdon J. Severe depression in old age. Med Today. 2002 Dec;3(12):40‐47.
In-text reference As previously reported,1
EndNote reference type Journal article

Journal article - two authors

Elements of the citation Authors separated by commas – Family name and initials. Title of article. Abbreviated journal title. Publication year, month, day (month & day only if available);volume(issue):pages.
Reference list
  1. McInnes D, Bollen J. Learning on the job: metaphors of choreography and the practice of sex in sex‐on‐premises venues. Venereology. 2000;13(1):27‐36.
In-text reference McInnes and Bollen2 have developed a perspective which identifies ...
EndNote reference type Journal article

Journal article - three to six authors

Elements of the citation

Author(s) – Family name and initials. Title of article. Abbreviated journal title. Publication year, month, day (month & day only if available);volume(issue):pages.

Note: list all 6 authors or alternatively list the first 3 and add "et al"

Reference list
  1. Skalsky K, Yahav D, Bishara J, Pitlik S, Leibovici L, Paul M. Treatment of human brucellosis: systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomised controlled trials. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed). 2008 Mar 29;336(7646):701‐4


  1. Skalsky K, Yahav D, Bishara J, et al. Treatment of human brucellosis: systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomised controlled trials. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed). 2008 Mar 29;336(7646):701‐4.
In-text reference By using meta‐analysis, Skalsky et al3... 

Note - after the first author add et al
EndNote reference type Journal article

Year field:enter -  year and date(only if available) eg. 2008 Mar 29

It is now optional where there are more than 3 authors to add et al after the 3rd author
but  EndNote adds “et al” after the 6th author

Journal article - more than six authors

Elements of the citation Author(s) – Family name and initials. Title of article. Abbreviated journal title. Publication year, month, day (month & day only if available);volume(issue):pages.

Note: - It is now optional where there are more than 3 authors to add et al after the 3rd or 6th author.
          - EndNote adds et al after the 6th author
Reference list
  1. Hanna JN, McBride WJ, Brookes DL, Shield J, Taylor CT, Smith IL, Craig SB, Smith GA. Hendra virus infection in a veterinarian. Med J Aust. 2006 Nov 20;185(10):562‐64.
  1. Hanna JN, McBride WJ, Brookes DL, Shield J, Taylor CT, Smith IL, et al. Hendra virus infection in veterinarian. Med J Aust. 2006 Nov 20;185(10):562‐64.
In-text reference Hanna et al6 report in this article that...
EndNote reference type Journal article

No author

Elements of the citation

Title of article. Abbreviated journal title. Publication year, month, day (month and day only if available);volume number(issue number):pages.

Note: Begin a reference with the title of the article if no person or organization can be identified as the author and no editors or translators are given. DO NOT USE "ANONYMOUS"

Reference list
  1. New accreditation product approved for systems under the ambulatory and home care programs. Comm Perspect. 2005 May;25(5):8.
In-text reference New accreditation has..............8
EndNote reference type Journal article

Journal article - in press

Elements of the citation Authors separated by commas – Family name and initials. Title of article. Abbreviated journal title. Publication year, month, day (month & day only if available);volume(issue). Forthcoming - year of expected publication.
Reference list
  1. Rourke E, Hussain R, Buscombe JR, Hilson AJ. Overlying urostomy bag simulating urinary leak in a postrenal transplant MAG3 study. Clin Nucl Med. Forthcoming 2006

    Can include date, volume and issue number if provided
In-text reference O’Learystates that..
EndNote reference type

Journal article

Journal Title field: enter Forthcoming  and  expected publication year after the journal name. eg. Clin Nucl Med. Forthcoming 2006 or if the volume number and issue number is supplied add Forthcoming and year to the Issue field.

Forthcoming can also include a date if available - eg. Forthcoming 2018 Jun 24.

"Forthcoming" is use instead of "in press"

Electronic journal article with DOI number

Elements of the citation Author(s) - Family name and initials. Title of article. Abbreviated journal title [Internet]. Publication year, month, day (month and day only if available)  [cited date - year, month, day];volume number(issue number):page numbers. Available from: URL. doi:

Note: - Months are abbreviated to their first 3 letters.
           - if no URL - just enter the DOI number
Reference list
  1. Puri S, O'Brian MR. The hmuQ and hmuD genes from Bradyrhizobium japonicum encode heme‐degrading enzymes. J Bacteriol [Internet]. 2006 Sep [cited 2012 Aug 2];188(18):6476‐82. Available from: ng&pmid=16952937. doi:10.1016/j.psychsport.2009.03.009
In-text reference

Puri and O’Brian (11) argue that ...


Puri and O'Brien11 argue that....

EndNote reference type

Electronic article - it must be "Electronic article" for the DOI and URL fields to show in the reference.

Type of Work field: enter - Internet

DOI field: enter - doi number

Cited date - enter in the Date accessed field as: Year Month Day eg. 2012 Aug 2

Electronic journal article without DOI number

Elements of the citation Author(s) - Family name and initials. Title of article. Abbreviated journal title [Internet]. Publication year, month, day (month and day only if available)  [cited date - year, month, day];volume number(issue number):page numbers. Available from: URL
Reference list
  1. Lemanek K. Adherence issues in the medical management of asthma. J Pediatr Psychol [Internet]. 1990 [cited 2010 Apr 22];15(4):437‐58. Available from:
In-text reference According to Lemanek10...
EndNote reference type Electronic article

URL field: enter - URL of the journal’s website (for subscription‐based journals), or the full URL of the article (for articles available free on the web).

Date accessed field: enter - date you looked at this site (ie cited date) eg. 2010 Apr 22. 

Type of Work field: enter - Internet