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UQ eSpace: manage your research outputs and datasets

Everything you need to know about using UQ eSpace to keep your research output and research data profile up to date

What is a DOI?

DOI is the acronym for Digital Object Identifier. 

A DOI is a unique and internationally recognised digital identifier. It includes rich metadata about your work and provides a permanent web address (URL) for long-term discoverability and accessibility.  Information about a digital object may change over time, including where it is hosted and who owns it, but the DOI will not change.

Other  benefits of a DOI include:

  • Reliability - you know how it is described, where your work is and others can find it too
  • Compatibility with machine readers - your work can be identified and harvested easily by systems
  • Stability - your work is identifiable via metrics providers for ongoing impact and engagement analysis

DOIs for eligible works at The University of Queensland are minted via the Crossref DOI service and the DataCite DOI service.

UQ Eligible Works

Works are eligible for a UQ DOI if they meet the following criteria. They must be:

  • Scholarly works
  • Authored by current UQ staff or students
  • Published or co-published by The University of Queensland
  • Deposited to UQ eSpace
  • Not be assigned an existing DOI

Eligible work types are:

  • Books
  • Book chapters (must be in a UQ-published book with an existing UQ-minted DOI)
  • Journals
  • Conference papers (fully published only)
  • Working papers
  • Department technical reports
  • Research reports
  • Theses
  • Data collections

DOIs are automatically minted for:

  • Conferred HDR theses
  • Research datasets

Other UQ thesis types deposited by arrangement with Faculties and Schools are also assigned a DOI.

How to request a DOI

There are three main pathways to request a DOI, depending on whether your work has been published and included in UQ eSpace or is yet to be published.  Follow the steps via the pathways below, as required.

Request a pre-publication DOI 

For eligible works not yet publicly released: 

Contact UQ eSpace and provide the metadata or draft copy of the work 

The UQ eSpace team will: 

  • Create a ‘restricted access’ record for your work in UQ eSpace 
  • Mint a DOI 
  • Provide you with the DOI for inclusion in your work 
  • Support you to upload the final PDF copy of your work 
  • Release the record and final PDF for public access on advice from you 

Note:  You can request that the PDF copy of your work remains restricted to accommodate culturally or commercially sensitive and otherwise embargoed content.

Request a DOI when submitting a new work 

For eligible works manually submitted to UQ eSpace: 

  • Select the relevant work type form 
  • At ‘Notes’, add your request to mint a DOI 
  • Complete the form and submit 

The UQ eSpace team will: 

  • Mint a DOI 
  • Make the DOI visible on the view page of your work 
  • Send you a courtesy notification that includes the DOI 

To upload a copy of the PDF that includes the DOI: 

  • Add the DOI to the work 
  • Click on the REQUEST CORRECTION button for the relevant work in your My Works list 
  • Upload a PDF copy, and include a note on the upload form that this is the DOI version 

Request a DOI for an existing UQ eSpace work 

For eligible works that already exist in UQ eSpace: 

  • Go to your My works list 
  • Click on the REQUEST CORRECTION button for the relevant work 
  • Follow the prompts to open the form 
  • At ‘Suggest a correction’, add your request to mint a DOI, then submit

The UQ eSpace team will: 

  • Mint a DOI 
  • Make the DOI visible on the view page of your work 
  • Send you a courtesy notification that includes the DOI 
  • Support you to upload a PDF copy that includes the DOI