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UQ eSpace: manage your research outputs and datasets

Everything you need to know about using UQ eSpace to keep your research output and research data profile up to date

What is UQ eSpace?

  UQ eSpace aims to:

  • Allow researchers to deposit works, datasets and open access materials and to view work metrics
  • Maintain a complete and accurate record of all UQ research works and research datasets that feeds into central UQ systems including UQ Researchers, Academic Portal, Reportal and the Individual Activity Profile
  • Create global visibility and accessibility of UQ’s scholarly research
  • Enhance discovery of UQ research via search engines such as Google and Trove
  • Enable government reporting such as Australian Research Council's Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) and the Engagement and Impact Assessment
  • Preserve and provide access to digitised materials including Higher Degree by Research theses, photographs, audio materials, videos, manuscripts and other cultural heritage works
  • Enable research performance reporting benchmark analysis

Why use UQ eSpace?

Use UQ eSpace to:

  • Link an ORCID
  • Promote/showcase your research
  • Meet the requirements of open access compliance and institutional reporting
  • Keep track of your research metrics

Update your UQ eSpace profile

Use the checklist below to help you:

  • Link your UQ eSpace profile for automation
  • Complete your researcher profile
  • Know where to find further help