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UQ eSpace: manage your research outputs and datasets

Everything you need to know about using UQ eSpace to keep your research output and research data profile up to date

Find UQ eSpace

  • To log in, go to UQ eSpace and click on the LOGIN icon in the top right corner of the page.

See the Web browser compatibility page on the Library website for full information on recommended browsers. 

HDR students to note:

  • After login, you will be required to create and/or link your ORCiD in order to deposit works. Follow the prompts to complete this step.

My dashboard features

On this page you can view:

  • Number and years coverage of your works in UQ eSpace
  • Your linked researcher identifiers
  • An alert to claim works if the system has identified items that might belong to you

  • An alert to add your ORCID iD if it is not already linked. For further detail on the benefits of linking your researcher identifiers to UQ eSpace go to ORCID iD and researcher identifiers.

  • Your works by year and type and your h-index in Web of Science and Scopus

  • Your works list, including a button to make corrections, add a relevant content indicator (optional) and upload files

  • Your trending works, including an Altmetric score which shows trending social media attention for your works, and trending Web of Science and Scopus citation counts

Additional publication metrics

For more information on metrics go to Metrics, engagement and impact.