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UQ eSpace: manage your research outputs and datasets

Everything you need to know about using UQ eSpace to keep your research output and research data profile up to date

Title (Mandatory)

This field is mandatory on all forms but the label may be different, depending on the work type.

Field label Work type Details required
Title All except Creative Work - Textual (Book), Creative Work - Textual (Book Chapter) Enter the title of the work, as published, presented, publicly disseminated, disseminated online.
Book chapter title Creative Work - Textual (Book Chapter) Enter the chapter title as published in the book
Book title Creative Work - Textual (Book), Creative Work - Textual (Book Chapter) Enter the book title as published

Journal name (Mandatory)

This field is relevant to the 'Creative Work - Textual (Journal Article)' form only.  

Things to note:

  • It is a mandatory field
  • Enter the name of the journal as published,
    e.g. International Magazine for Landscape Architecture and Urbanism
    e.g. Griffith Review

Project name (Design/Architecture)

This field is relevant to the 'Creative Work - Design/Architectural' type only.

Things to note:

  • It is not a mandatory field
  • Enter the name of the project.  This may be the same as the title of the design.  It is acceptable to enter the same name for both 'Project name' and 'Title' fields if they are the same.

Note: The 'Title' field for this work type is mandatory

Place of publication (Mandatory)

This field is mandatory and is a requirement for all work types except for Creative Work - Textual (Journal Article).

Work type Details required
Creative Work - Design/Architectural

Enter the geographical location for the client, builder or curator

Creative Work - Textual

Creative Work - Textual (Book)

Creative Work - Textual (Book Chapter)

Creative Work - Music Composition

Creative Work - Other

Research Report

Enter the publisher or disseminator location, .e.g Melbourne, Australia  

Creative Work - Visual Art

Enter the geographical location of the work or name or location of the venue if part of an exhibition

Live Performance of Creative Work (all types)

Curated or Produced Exhibition or Event (all types)

Enter the performance, exhibition, festival or event venue name(s) or location(s), or indicate that the work is online
Recorded or Rendered Creative Work (all types) Enter the geographical location(s) or venue name(s) for the recording or rendering of the work, or place for disseminator of the work - whichever relates to first public availability of the work.


Location (Design/Architecture)

This field is relevant to the Creative Work - Design/Architectural type only.

Things to note:

  • It is not a mandatory field
  • Enter the geographical location for the building or place that the design/architectural plan represents, describes or maps

Publisher (Mandatory)

Publisher name is required for all creative work types, except for Creative Work - Textual (Journal Article).

Things to note:

  • It is a mandatory field
  • Enter the name of the publisher, producer. event venue or disseminator of the work (as appropriate to your work)
  • Multiple publishers can be entered where required, separated by a semi-colon, e.g. The University of Queensland; Brisbane Street Art Festival

This table may help you to identify the publisher for the type of work you will submit:

Work type Publisher
Creative Work - Design Architectural Client, builder or curator
Creative Work - Textual (Book); Creative Work - Textual (Book Chapter); Creative Work - Textual; Creative Work - Other; Research Report for an External Body (all types) Publisher, commissioning client or disseminator
Live Performance of Creative Work (all types) Producer, performance venue, performance group etc.
Recorded or Rendered Creative Work (all types) Producer, recording venue, recording group etc.
Curated or Produced Exhibition of Event (all types) Exhibition or event name, producer, venue name (e.g. gallery, museum)


Report Number

This field is relevant to all Research Report types only.

Things to note:

  • It is not a mandatory field
  • Enter the report number identified on the work itself

Publication date (mandatory)

For creative works, publication date refers to the date the research output became publicly available, and may constitute any of the following:

  • Date of publication (textual works, music scores)
  • Date first publicly performed (music, theatre, dance etc.)
  • Date of recording or rendering
  • Start date of exhibition, festival or event 
  • Date of construction commencement (design/architecture)
  • Date of building completion (archtecture)
  • Date first publicly disseminated (website, recording, apps, games etc.)
  • A range of dates, e.g. Performance season, construction period, exhibition, festival or event run.  For official reporting purposes, the start date in a date range is treated as the 'publication date'.

eSpace non-traditional research output forms are tailored to the different date requirements of creative work types and the date field is labelled accordingly, as follows:

Field label Status Form types
Date published Mandatory
  • Creative Work - Textual (Book)
  • Creative Work - Textual (Book Chapter) 
  • Research Report
Publication date Mandatory
  • Creative Work - Textual (Journal Article)
  • Creative Work - Design/Architectural 
Publication/Start date Mandatory
  • Creative Work - Design/Architectural
  • Creative Work - Visual Art
  • Creative Work - Musical Composition
  • Creative Work - Textual
  • Creative Work - Other
  • All Live Performance types
  • All Recorded or Rendered types
  • All Curated or Produced Exhibition or Event types
End date Not mandatory
  • Creative Work - Design/Architectural
  • Creative Work - Visual Art
  • Creative Work - Musical Composition
  • Creative Work - Textual
  • Creative Work - Other
  • All Live Performance types
  • All Recorded or Rendered types
  • All Curated or Produced Exhibition or Event types

Authors (Mandatory)

Non-traditional research output authors may be any of the following:

  • Author
  • Creator
  • Designer
  • Curator
  • Composer
  • Director
  • Performer
  • Visual artist
  • Translator
  • Producer
  • Contributor

Org affiliation
One of the following options must be selected (not for public view):

  • UQ
    Select this option where the author undertook the research leading to the research output in his or her capacity as a staff member or student of The University of Queensland.  This may be identified via (print or online) publication byline or, for non-textual works, via print or online material associated with an exhibition, performance, recording/rendering, or event curation, and disseminated by the organisers/producers/publishers relevant to the work.  Sample sources might be an  event program, ticketing information, exhibition catalogue or information embedded in a recording.  
  • Non-UQ
    ​Select this option where the author was affiliated with an organisation external to The University of Queensland when the research leading to the research output was undertaken.  This may be identified via (print or online) publication byline or, for non-textual works, via print or online material associated with an exhibition, performance, recording/rendering, or event curation, and disseminated by the organisers/producers/publishers relevant to the work. Sample sources might be an  event program, ticketing information, exhibition catalogue or information embedded in a recording.  

Organisation (mandatory for non-UQ author/creators - not for public view)

  • Enter the name of the organisation that the non-UQ author was affiliated with when the research leading to the research output was undertaken.

Organisation type (mandatory for non-UQ author/creators - not for public view)

  • Select an appropriate type from the list of options
    • Library/Museum/Public Gallery
    • Commercial Gallery
    • Government
    • NGO
    • Foundation
    • Corporate/Industry
    • University
    • Other

Note:  Listed Author order
The author listed order that displays with author names entered on the deposit form, e.g. 'First listed author, Second listed author' or 'First listed designer, Second listed designer' is an administrative order only.  It is not associated with significance assigned to first author or chief investigator identification in a published article.  

Scale/Significance of work (Mandatory - not for public view)

This is a mandatory field for all author/creators identified as affiliated with UQ for the work.  Each UQ author is required to select from either of the following options that best categorise the significance of the work from each individual’s perspective, and selection must be substantiated in the accompanying creator research statement:

  • Major 
  • Minor


In order to make a decision about the scale and significance of your work at the time of submission to UQ eSpace, it may help to consider the following: 

  • How much of your work (effort and time) was involved in creating this research output, within the perspective of your whole portfolio of research? 

  • Depending on the stage of your career, the context of the work, known impact of the work or significance with respect to your broader portfolios of work, as an example: 

  • A sustained endeavour of more than 6 months up to 1 year that gives rise to this work might be of either major or minor scale 

  • A sustained endeavour of more than 1 year that gives rise to this work might be of either major or minor scale 

  • There is no prescription for selection of scale, but your selection will be reflected in your research statement 

  • Your individual selection of scale will not be reported via government or other reporting exercises, but it will contribute to a broad understanding of the scale and significance of the work within a field of research

Visibility of the selection:

  • Not publicly viewable
  • Visible to the submitting author/creator only after login to eSpace, and via Individual Activity Profile
  • Not visible to UQ co-author/creators

If I am a UQ co-author on an existing eSpace NTRO work, how do I add my Scale/Significance selection?

  • If the work is not yet linked to your profile click on Claim possible works to find the work and claim it. This will add the work to your My incomplete works list.
  • Follow the steps in the Add more information to an existing NTRO section of this guide.  Selection of Scale/Significance is one of the mandatory requirements on the Complete my work form. 
  • The information you submit will be visible to you only (not your UQ co-author or the public) after login to eSpace

Creator research statement (Mandatory - not for public view)

This is a mandatory field for all linked UQ author/creators on the work.  Each UQ author is required to submit a creator research statement of up to 2000 characters (approx. 250 - 300 words) that captures the context of the work for that individual and substantiates your Scale/Significance selection.  The statement must include the following sections:

  • Background - discipline, context and research aim information
  • Contribution - innovation and new knowledge generated 
  • Significance - evidence of excellence and/or impact

The focus for the contribution section of your research statement may include:

  • your own contribution to the work, .e.g specialist knowledge, understandings, new/different approaches; or
  • your description of the overall contribution of the work to your discipline or society at large; or
  • a combination of both individual contribution to the work and overall contribution of the work. 

There is no prescription for the content within each section of the research statement and, where it makes sense or is relevant, creators may wish to produce the same statement and/or collaborate to do this.  In other cases, statements may be different for the same work, depending on the disciplinary or interdisciplinary nature of the research output. 


Sample research statements

The following includes an ARC example of an acceptable visual arts research statement for the purposes of former ERA peer review, sourced from the ERA 2023 Submission Guidelines (p. 52/53).  The focus for the Research contribution section is on overall contribution of the work to the discipline.  Additional exemplar statements further below, written by UQ researchers, include a mix of individual contribution to the work and overall contribution of the work.

ARC research statement sample

Research background
Current international developments in painting have identified the need to establish complex forms for representing identity in terms of facial expression. While this research recognises the significance of facial expression, it has overlooked the unstable nature of identity itself.

Research contribution
The paintings Multiple Perspectives by Y address the question of the unstable nature of identity as expressed in painterly terms through a study in unstable facial phenomenon using the philosophical concept of ‘becoming’. In doing so, it arrives at a new benchmark for the FoR in understanding visual identity, namely that identity is not bound to stable facial phenomena but, like other forms of meaning, is constantly undergoing change.

Research significance
The significance of this research is that it overcomes barriers for visually understanding the complex nature of identity and its expressive painterly possibilities. Its value is attested to by the following indicators:  
• Selection of the painting for inclusion in the international exhibition Documenta, Kassel, Germany.
• Its inclusion as a case study in the renowned Courtauld Institute, University of London, Issues in Contemporary Art graduate seminar series.
• It being the subject of a chapter in the book Identity Reframed published by Thames and Hudson and authored by the renowned art historian Z.
• It forming part of a competitively funded ARC project.

Exemplar statements written by UQ researchers:

Visibility of the statement:

  • Not publicly viewable
  • Visible to the submitting author/creator only after login to eSpace, and via Individual Activity Profile
  • Not visible to UQ co-author/creators or other UQ staff members

If I am a UQ co-author on an existing eSpace NTRO work, how do I add my Creator research statement?

  • If the work is not yet linked to your profile click on Claim possible works to find the work and claim it. This will add the work to your My incomplete works list.
  • Follow the steps in the Add more information to an existing NTRO section of this guide.  Adding your creator research statement is one of the mandatory requirements on the Complete my work form. 
  • The information you submit will be visible to you only (not your UQ co-author or the public) after login to UQ eSpace

Things to note: 

  • An existing research statement can be updated at any time via the REQUEST CORRECTION button for the work. 
  • If you identify your work as ‘Minor’, your research statement can be a brief explanation that the work is part of a larger body of work.

Abstract/Description (Mandatory)

This is a mandatory field for all non-traditional research output works.  The abstract should briefly describe what you want the public to know about your work.  

NEW: There is no longer a character limit for this field.  

Things to note:

  • The content is publicly viewable
  • The form includes a text editor
  • The content displays for public view as formatted by you

Grant details

This is an optional field for non-traditional research output works.  The funder/sponsor name, grant ID, and funder/sponsor type can be entered here.

Funder type can be selected from the following list:
Library/Museum/Public Gallery
Commercial Gallery

Things to note:

The content is publicly viewable

ISMN (International Standard Music Number - Music Composition)

This field is relevant for the Creative Work - Music Composition work type only. 

The International Standard Music Number (ISMN) is a unique number for the identifcation of all notated music publications from all over the world.  For more information, click here.

Things to note:

  • It is not a mandatory field
  • eSpace accepts all published ISMNs, including pre-2008 ISMNs,
    • e.g.   13 digit: 979-0-09014-654-2 (with hyphens) or  9790090146542 (without hyphens)
    • e.g.   Pre-2008,10 digit: M-2306-7118-7 (with hyphens) or  M230671187 (without hyphens) 
  • The field includes validation that will indicate when you have entered an incorrect ISMN, and will not allow you to add the ISMN until corrected

ISRC (International Standard Recording Code - Recording output)

This field is relevant for recorded music and music video research outputs only.

The International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) is the international identification system for sound recordings and music video recordings. For more information, click here.

Things to note:

  • It is not a mandatory field
  • eSpace accepts all published ISRCs
    • e.g. JMK401400212 or USS1Z9900001 (without hyphens)
    • e.g. JM-K40-14-00212 or US-S1Z-99-00001 (with hyphens)
  • The field includes validation that will indicate when you have entered an incorrect ISRC, and will not allow you to add the ISRC until corrected


ISBN (International Standard Book Number)

This field is relevant for Book, Book Chapter and Research Report non-traditional research output work types.  

The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique identifier for text-based monographic publications (i.e. one-off publications, rather than journals, newspapers, or other types of serials).  For more information, click here.

Things to note:

  • It is not a mandatory field
  • eSpace accepts all published ISBNs
    • e.g. 13 digit: 9789295055025 (without hyphens) or 978-92-95055-02-5 (with hyphens)
    • e.g. Pre 2007, 10 digit: 9295055025 (without hyphens) or 92-95955-02-5 (with hyphens)
  • The field includes validation that will indicate when you have entered an incorrect ISBN, and will not allow you to add the ISBN until corrected


ISSN (International Standard Serial Number)

This field is relevant for Book, Book Chapter, Journal Article and Research Report non-traditional research output work types.

The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is an 8-digit code used to identify newspapers, journals, magazines and periodicals of all kinds an on all media - print and electronic.  For more information, click here

Things to note:

  • It is not a mandatory field
  • eSpace accepts all published ISSNs
    • e.g. 0317-8471 or 1050-124X (with hyphens)
    • e.g 03178471 or 1050124X (without hyphens)
  • The field includes validation that will indicate when you have entered an incorrect number of digits, and will not allow you to add the ISSN until corrected


This field is relevant to all non-traditional research output work types.

Enter the name for the series that your work is part of, e.g. a book, report, design or peformance series.  

Things to note:

  • This is not a mandatory field
  • The series name will be publicly viewable


This field is included on the Book Chapter submission form only.

Things to note:

  • It is not a mandatory field
  • Enter the edition number for the book that the chapter is part of

Audience size (Mandatory - not for public view)

This field is mandatory but relevant to Live Performance of Creative Work and Curated or Produced Exhibition or Event works only. 

Select from the following audience size options:

  • Less than 100
  • 100 - 500
  • Greater than 500

Things to note: 

  • Where a performance or event is held over multiple sessions or days, audience size should reflect total attendance for the event or series of performances

Visibility of the data:

  • Not publicly viewable
  • Visible to all logged in UQ eSpace users

Quality Indicators (Mandatory - not for public view)

Quality Indicators list:

  • It includes options that measure the quality of the work itself
  • It allows the depositor of the work to select as many quality measures as are deemed relevant to the work
  • It is mandatory for the depositor of the record to select at least one option (additional selection not required by UQ co-authors)
  • Selections are visible to UQ staff and students after login only, and via the Individual Activity Profile for linked authors.
  • Details are not publicly viewable

The following table provides additional detail for each of the options in the list:

1 Disseminated via nationally recognised outlet or entity Installation, presentation, performance, construction, exhibition, online hosting, adaptation, translation or publication within Australia
2 Disseminated via internationally recognised outlet or entity Installation, presentation, performance, construction, exhibition, online hosting, adaptation, translation or publication outside Australia
3 Association with recognised national entities, distinct from co-creation As above, in association with other artists, partners, or performing bodies within Australia
4 Association with recognised international entities, distinct from co-creation As above, in association with other artists, partners, or performing bodies outside Australia
5 Reviews, prizes, awards recognition of the output External recognition from recognised critics, peers, awarding bodies
6 Commissioned by external body Report or other document formally requested for use by government, community, or industry
7 Repeat performances, reproductions, republications or re-exhibitions Subsequent dissemination of output
8 Selected for use by nationally recognised outlet or entity Adoption by school or University curricula, broadcast by recognised commercial or non-profit publishing body or broadcaster or peers in discipline within Australia
9 Selected for use by internationally recognised outlet or entity Adoption by school or University curricula, broadcast by recognised commercial or non-profit publishing body or broadcaster or peers in discipline outside Australia
10 Other (add details to Author/Creator contribution statement) Please note, impact and engagement measures will be captured via an impact tracker tool, yet to be implemented outside of eSpace <link to be advised>


Optional information (Notes, Link, Link description)

Notes (not publicly viewable)

Notes added to this field will not automatically become publicly viewable on a record.  This is to allow depositors to communicate additional information to the UQ eSpace team that may or may not be suitable for public view, and may be a combination of both. 

If you wish your additional information (or parts of it) to be made publicly viewable, please identify the text to be included.  The UQ eSpace team will move the identified information to the Additional Notes field where it can be viewed by all users.

Link (URL): NTRO-specific

Add the most pertinent link to the work, preferably one that captures the best representation of the work.  Added links display immediately as live URLs on the view page of a work and should be links accessible to all users, i.e. not restricted by login etc.).  If you do not wish your link to be publicly viewable, please add it to the Notes field at deposit instead and identify it as not for public view. The UQ eSpace team will move these links to an internal notes field for administrator access only.

The Link field is not repeatable on the submission form, so only one link can be added at deposit.  However, you can request additional public links via the Notes field at deposit (please identify as public links) or via the REQUEST CORRECTION button via your My Works listing of the record after deposit.  The UQ eSpace team is able to add multiple links on your behalf.  

Link description

Provide an appropriate and relevant link description.  Link descriptions display immediately next to related live links on the view page of a work.

File upload (Mandatory)

Each non-traditional research output (including creative works and research reports for an external body) deposited to eSpace must include at least one piece of evidence that demonstrates the content of the work, e.g. event program, music score, digital recording, scholarly review, full research report, front matter or full copy (book, catalogue) or full chapter. For suggested evidence types for specific works see more information via this page.

Things to note:

  • It is mandatory to upload at least one file
  • You may include up to 10 files (max 5GB each)
  • Files must be uploaded individually and not zipped inside a folder

Ensure that your filenames:

  • begin with a letter and contain less than 45 characters;
  • contain only upper and lowercase alphanumeric characters, and underscores (no spaces); and
  • have only a single period which precedes the file extension, e.g. ".pdf", ".mov", ".tiff", ".wav" etc.

Acceptable file types:

eSpace accepts most file formats, with the exception of FLV (Flash Video) since the system no longer supports Flash.  Recommended file types are as follows:

Content type File type - Extension
Text PDF - ".pdf" (required for ERA), Word - ".docx"
Video MOV - ".mov", AVI - ".avi", MP4 - ".mp4", Windows Media Video - ".wmv"
Audio MPEG - ".mp3", Waveform Audio - ".wav", Windows Media Audio - ".wma"
Image JPEG - ".jpg", TIFF - ".tif", GIF - ".gif", PNG - ".png"
Data Excel spreadsheet - ".xls", ".xlsx", ".csv"

In order to submit a file you must select one of the following access conditions:

  • Open Access
    • where there is no publisher or other restriction to public access, e.g. article in an open access journal, works that have been assigned a creative commons licence, works published by UQ (and there is no reason to restrict access).
  • Closed Access
    • where there is a publisher or cultural or commercial sensitivities restriction to public access, e.g. full copy or front matter of a book, copy of a commercially available video or audio recording, copy of a design owned or jointly owned by a commercial entity, event programs produced/published by non-UQ entities, restricted or embargoed research reports that include cultural or commercially sensitive information.

Embargo release date 

  • Set an embargo release date when you know that a work has open access permission after a limited embargo period.  This would usually be associated with upload of a journal article.  See the Sherpa Romeo database for publisher permissions around upload of versions of a journal article. 
  • Setting of an embargo is not mandatory
  • Access permissions are checked for all files uploaded to UQ eSpace by the Research Outputs team, and access is amended to comply with publisher permissions.


The table below provides full details of work type, associated NTRO sub-type and whether it is auto-set or requires manual selection. There are a number of work types that require manual selection of a non-traditional research output sub-type, in order to present your work as creative.  

Work type NTRO sub-type options Selection

Creative Work - Design/Architectural

  • Creative Work - Design/Architectural
  • Creative Work - Textual
  • Creative Work - Visual Art
  • Creative Work - Musical Composition
  • Creative Work - Other


Book Chapter
  • Creative Work - Design/Architectural
  • Creative Work - Textual
  • Creative Work - Visual Art
  • Creative Work - Musical Composition
  • Creative Work - Other
Journal Article
  • Creative Work - Design/Architectural
  • Creative Work - Textual
  • Creative Work - Visual Art
  • Creative Work - Musical Composition
  • Creative Work - Other
Creative Work
  • Creative Work - Design/Architectural
  • Creative Work - Textual
  • Creative Work - Visual Art
  • Creative Work - Musical Composition
  • Creative Work - Other
  • Live Performance of Creative Work - Music
  • Live Performance of Creative Work - Dance
  • Live Performance of Creative Work - Plays, Dramas, Theatre
  • Live Performance of Creative Work - Interarts
  • Live Performance of Creative Work - Other
  • Recorded or Rendered Creative Work - Music, Dance, Theatre
  • Recorded or Rendered Creative Work - Audio or Visual
  • Recorded or Rendered Creative Work - Digital
  • Recorded or Rendered Creative Work - Interarts
  • Recorded or Rendered Creative Work - Web Exhibition
  • Recorded or Rendered Creative Work - Other
  • Curated or Produced Exhibition or Event - Exhibition or Event
  • Curated or Produced Exhibition or Event - Festival
  • Curated or Produced Exhibition or Event - Web Exhibition
  • Curated or Produced Exhibition or Event - Other (Scholarly Disciplines)
Research Report
  • Research Report for an External Body - Public Sector
  • Research Report for an External Body - Industry
  • Research Report for an External Body - Not-for-Profit
  • Research Report for an External Body - Other
  • Research Report - Internal or Other
Creative Work - Design/Architectural Creative Work - Design/Architectural Auto-set
Creative Work - Textual (Book)

Creative Work - Textual

Creative Work - Textual (Book Chapter)

Creative Work - Textual

Creative Work - Textual (Journal Article)

Creative Work - Textual

Creative Work - Textual 

Creative Work - Textual

Creative Work - Visual Art

Creative Work - Visual Art

Creative Work - Musical Composition

Creative Work - Musical Composition

Creative Work - Other

Creative Work - Other

Live Performance of Creative Work - Music Live Performance of Creative Work - Music Auto-set
Live Performance of Creative Work - Dance Live Performance of Creative Work - Dance Auto-set
Live Performance of Creative Work - Plays, Dramas, Theatre Live Performance of Creative Work - Plays, Dramas, Theatre Auto-set
Live Performance of Creative Work - Interarts Live Performance of Creative Work - Interarts Auto-set
Live Performance of Creative Work - Other Live Performance of Creative Work - Other Auto-set
Recorded or Rendered Creative Work - Music, Dance, Theatre Recorded or Rendered Creative Work - Music, Dance, Theatre Auto-set
Recorded or Rendered Creative Work - Audio or Visual Recorded or Rendered Creative Work - Audio or Visual Auto-set

Recorded or Rendered Creative Work - Digital

Recorded or Rendered Creative Work - Digital Auto-set
Recorded or Rendered Creative Work - Interarts Recorded or Rendered Creative Work - Interarts Auto-set
Recorded or Rendered Creative Work - Web Exhibition Recorded or Rendered Creative Work - Web Exhibition Auto-set
Recorded or Rendered Creative Work - Other Recorded or Rendered Creative Work - Other Auto-set
Curated or Produced Exhibition or Event - Exhibition or Event Curated or Produced Exhibition or Event - Exhibition or Event Auto-set
Curated or Produced Exhibition or Event - Festival Curated or Produced Exhibition or Event - Festival Auto-set
Curated or Produced Exhibition or Event - Web Exhibition Curated or Produced Exhibition or Event - Web Exhibition Auto-set
Curated or Produced Exhibition or Event - Other (Scholarly Disciplines) Curated or Produced Exhibition or Event - Other (Scholarly Disciplines) Auto-set
Research Report for an External Body - Public Sector Research Report for an External Body - Public Sector Auto-set
Research Report for an External Body - Industry Research Report for an External Body - Industry Auto-set
Research Report for an External Body - Not-for-profit Research Report for an External Body - Not-for-profit Auto-set
Research Report for an External Body - Other Research Report for an External Body - Other Auto-set
Research Report - Internal or Other Research Report - Internal or Other Auto-set