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APA 7th referencing style

This is a guide to using the APA7 referencing style from the American Psychological Association. It is based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.


Elements of the reference

Author - last name, initial(s) (Role eg. Host). (Year - Year). Title - italicised, [Type Podcast]. Publisher. Web address - if available

In-text reference

(Malcolm, 2002-present)

Malcolm (2002-present)

Reference list

Malcolm, L. (Host). (2002-present). All in the mind [Audio podcast]. Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

If access via app or no web address, leave out web address

EndNote reference type


Convert to plain text. Add (Host) after author name.

Podcast episode

Elements of the reference

Author - last name, initial(s) (Role eg. Host). (Year, Month Day). Episode Title (No. Episode Number - if available) [Type podcast episode]. In Series Title - italicised. Publisher. Web address - if available

In-text reference

(Malcolm, 2019)

Malcolm (2019)

Reference list

Malcolm, L. (Host). (2019, September 8). Inside talking therapy [Audio podcast episode] All in the mind. Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

If access via app or no web addressleave out web address

EndNote reference type


Convert to plain text. Add (Host) after author name.


Elements of the reference Not included in reference list
In-text reference

K. P. Miles (personal communication, August 6, 2018)


(L. J. Henderson, personal communication, February 5, 2017)

Reference list Not included in reference list, only cited in text.
EndNote reference type Entered into text manually


Blog post

Elements of the reference

Author - last name, initial(s). (Year, Month Day). Title of post. Blog name - italicised. Web address

In-text reference

(Conason, 2018)

Conason (2018) stated that ....

Reference list

Conason, A. (2018, October 5). Why you should consider group therapy. Eating Mindfully.

EndNote reference type




Comment on a post or article

Elements of the reference

Author - last name, initial(s). (Year, Month Day). Title of post comment or up to first 20 words [Comment on the article "Article or post title"]. Blog title - italicised. Web address

In-text reference

(Hordofa, 2019)

Hordofa (2019)

Reference list

Hordofa, A. B. (2019, October 9). I am very interested to read it and congratulates the author for the finding! [Comment on the post "In the eye of the beholder: Why you should care about color blindness when designing scientific images"]. Elsevier Researcher Academy.

Use name of person making comment as author

Include title of comment or up to first 20 words of comment as title

Shortened web address can be used

EndNote reference type


YouTube video - real name of person posting known

Elements of the reference

Author - last name, initial(s) or group name [Username - if available]. (Year, Month Day). Title of video - italicised [Video]. YouTube - or similar site name. Web address

In-text reference

(O'Brien, 2017)

O'Brien (2017) demonstrated that ....

Reference list

O’Brien, B. [Brenna O]. (2017, May 5). NVivo 11 training - full video (5/4/17) - updated [Video]. YouTube.

EndNote reference type

Social media

Add title to Post text field

Add Month Day to Post Date field

Add username to Handle field

Add YouTube to Provider field

YouTube video - screen name only

Elements of the reference

Username - exactly as posted. (year, month day). Title of video [Video]. Site name (eg. YouTube). Web Address

In-text reference

(ssiconamed, 2013)

ssiconamed (2013) noted that ....

Reference list

ssiconamed. (2013, July 5). Tutorial NVivo [Video]. YouTube.

EndNote reference type

Social media

Add title to Post text field

Add Month Day to Post Date field

Add YouTube to Provider field


Elements of the reference

Title of entry. (Year, Month Date or n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved Month Date, Year - if needed, Web address

In-text reference

("Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy", 2019)

"Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy" (2019)

Reference list

Archived Version Available

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. (2019, July 10). In Wikipedia.

Use archived version (click on "View History" to check). Include listed date in (Year, Month Date) section.

No Archived Version

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved November 20, 2019,

If no archived version available, use n.d. in (Year) and include Retrieved information (as below)

EndNote reference type

Archived Version

Electronic book section

No Archived Version
