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APA 7th referencing style

This is a guide to using the APA7 referencing style from the American Psychological Association. It is based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

Lecture notes and slides eg. Powerpoint - Blackboard

Elements of the reference

Author(s) - use & for multiple authors. (Year, Month Day). Title of slides or lecture topic – italicised [PowerPoint slides]. Site name. Web address

In-text reference

(Johnson, 2008)

Johnson (2008) stated that...

Reference list

Johnson, A. (2008). Week three: Foucault [PowerPoint slides]. Learn.UQ.

EndNote reference type

Online multimedia

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Lecture notes and slides eg. Powerpoint - online

Elements of the reference

Name of author(s) or the institution responsible, use & for multiple authors. (Year). Title of slides – italicised [Type of format]. Site information eg. SlideShare. Web address

In-text reference

(Surden, 2017)

Surden (2017)

Reference list

Surden, H. (2017). Artificial intelligence and law overview [PowerPoint slides]. SlideShare.

EndNote reference type

Online multimedia

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