Elements of the reference |
Author(s) last name, initial(s) or group author(s). (Year). Title of software - italicised (Version ver. number) [Computer software]. Publisher. Web address |
In-text reference |
(Psychology Software Tools, 2021) Psychology Software Tools (2021) found that .... |
Reference list |
Psychology Software Tools. (2021). E-Prime (Version 3.0) [Computer software]. Psychology Software Tools. https://pstnet.com/products/e-prime/ |
EndNote reference type |
Computer program |
Elements of the reference |
Author(s) last name, initial(s) or group author(s). (Year). Title of software - italicised (Version ver. number) [Mobile app]. Apple Store OR Google Play. Web address |
In-text reference |
(Psycnet Software, 2020) Psycnet Software (2020) found that .... |
Reference list |
Psycnet Software. (2020). The psychology blog (Version 2.0) [Mobile app]. Google Play. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.newandromo.dev7998.app965243 |
EndNote reference type |
Computer program |