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APA 7th referencing style

This is a guide to using the APA7 referencing style from the American Psychological Association. It is based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

Non-English scripts, such as Arabic or Chinese

If you use the original version of a non-English work, cite the original version. Non-Latin alphabets are not used in the reference list in APA Style, so the title needs to be transliterated (that is, converted to the alphabet you are using to write a paper), and then followed by an English translation, in brackets.


Elements of the reference

Author(s) - last name, initial(s). (Year). Original Title - italicised  [Title - English translation]. Publisher. DOI or Web address - if needed

In-text reference

(Najm, 1966)

Najm (1966) stated that ....

Reference list

Najm, Y. (1966). Al-qissah fi al-adab Al-Arabi al-hadith [The novel in modern Arabic literature]. Dar Al-Thaqafah.

EndNote reference type Book