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APA 7th referencing style

This is a guide to using the APA7 referencing style from the American Psychological Association. It is based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

Referencing figures

  • Each figure needs to be numbered in the order in which they appear in the document.
  • If a figure is being reproduced for inclusion in a work which is being published, you must seek permission from the copyright holder. This permission must also be included in the caption.
  • Each figure must have a figure number in bold font above the figure.
  • Figure setup.
  • Provide each figure with a brief explanatory title. Capitalize the figure title in italic title case. Place title one double spaced line below the figure number.
  • A caption should be included the bottom of the figure to acknowledge that the figure has been reproduced from another source.
  • Include the full reference in the reference list.
  • Examples of figures with copyright attributions.

Figure caption format

Journal Article

Elements of caption

Note. From (use for reprinted) or Adapted from (use for adaptations) “Title of Article,” by Author first name - initial(s). Author - last name and Author - first name - initial(s). Author - last name, Year, Title of Journal, Volume(Issue - if available), p. xx. (DOI or Web address - if available).Copyright Year by Name of Copyright Holder (if no permission needed) OR CC License (if Creative Commons) OR Reprinted with permission (if permission needed) OR In the public domain (if in public domain).

Caption Note. From "Long-Term Development of Employee Well-Being: A Latent Transition Approach" by A. Mäkikangas, W. Schaufeli, E. Leskinen, U. Kinnunen, K. Hyvönen and T. Feldt, 2016, Journal of Happiness Studies, 17(6), p. 2332. ( Copyright 2015 by Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
In-text reference An in-text reference is not used. The caption is used instead. 
Reference list

Mäkikangas, M., Schaufeli, W., Leskinen, E., Kinnunen, U., Hyvönen, K. and Feldt, T. (2016). Long-term development of employee well-being: A latent transition approach. Journal of Happiness Studies, 17(6), 2325–2345.

EndNote reference type

Journal article

To ensure the in-text reference does not appear, insert the in-text citation as usual in Word. Highlight the reference, go to Edit and Management Citations and in the Formatting menu, click on Show Only in Bibliography then on OK.


Elements of caption

Note. From (use for reprinted) or Adapted from (use for adaptations) Title of Book (any edition or volume information, p. xxx), by Author first name - initial(s). Author - last name and Author - first name initial(s). Author - last name, Year, Place of Publication: Publisher. Copyright Year by Name of Copyright Holder (if no permission needed) OR CC License (if Creative Commons) OR Reprinted with permission (if permission needed) OR In the public domain (if in public domain).

If you are using it in a published work, at the end include Reprinted [or Adapted] with permission. 

Caption Note. From "Systematic Reviews in Health Care: A Practical Guide (p.61), by P. Glaszious, L. Irwig, C. Bain and G. Colditz, 2001, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Copyright 2001 by Cambridge University Press. Reprinted with permission.
In-text reference An in-text reference is not used. The caption is used instead.
Reference list

Glaszious, P., Irwig, L., Bain, C., & Colditz, G. (2001). Systematic reviews in health care: A practical guide. Cambridge University Press.

EndNote reference type


To ensure the in-text reference does not appear, insert the in-text citation as usual in Word. Highlight the reference, go to Edit and Management Citations and in the Formatting menu, click on Show Only in Bibliography then on OK.

Book Chapter

Elements of caption

Note. From (use for reprinted) or Adapted from (use for adaptations) “Title of Chapter,” by Author first name - initial(s). Author - last name and Author - first name - initial(s). Author - last name, in Editor - first name initial(s). Editor - last name (Ed.), Title of Book (any edition or volume information, p. xxx), Year, Place of Publication: Publisher. Copyright Year by Name of Copyright Holder (if no permission needed) OR CC License (if Creative Commons) OR Reprinted with permission (if permission needed) OR In the public domain (if in public domain).

If you are using it in a published work, at the end include Reprinted [or Adapted] with permission. 

Caption Note. Adapted from "Evidence About Diagnosis" by J. Doust, in T. Hoffman, S. Bennett and C. Del Mar (Eds), Evidence-Based Practice: Across the Health Professions (p.138), 2010, Chatswood, NSW: Elsevier Australia. Copyright 2010 by Elsevier Australia. Adapted with permission.
In-text reference An in-text reference is not used. The caption is used instead.
Reference list

Doust, J. (2010). Evidence about diagnosis. In T. Hoffman, S. Bennett, & C. Del Mar (Eds.), Evidence-based practice across the health professions (pp. 128-144). Elsevier Australia.

EndNote reference type

Book chapter

To ensure the in-text reference does not appear, insert the in-text citation as usual in Word. Highlight the reference, go to Edit and Management Citations and in the Formatting menu, click on Show Only in Bibliography then on OK.


Elements of caption

Note. From (use for reprinted) or Adapted from (use for adaptations) “Title of Web Document,” by Author first name - initial(s). Author - last name and Author - first name - initial(s). Author - last name, Year (http://xxxxxx). Copyright Year by Name of Copyright Holder (if no permission needed) OR CC License (if Creative Commons) OR Reprinted with permission (if permission needed) OR In the public domain (if in public domain).

If you are using it in a published work, at the end include Reprinted [or Adapted] with permission. 

Caption Note. From "Health Is Not The Same For Everyone" by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2016 ( Copyright 2016 by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Reprinted with permission.
In-text reference An in-text reference is not used. The caption is used instead.
Reference list

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2016). Health is not the same for everyone.

EndNote reference type


To ensure the in-text reference does not appear, insert the in-text citation as usual in Word. Highlight the reference, go to Edit and Management Citations and in the Formatting menu, click on Show Only in Bibliography then on OK.