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APA 7th referencing style

This is a guide to using the APA7 referencing style from the American Psychological Association. It is based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

Film or movie

Elements of the reference

Director(s) - or similar eg. Executive Producer, use & for multiple names (Director - or similar descriptor eg. Producer). (Year). Title of film or movie - italicised [Film; list details of format eg. two disc special edition - if needed]. Production Company. Web address - if available

In-text reference

(Wilder, 1959) 

Wilder (1959)

Reference list

Wilder, B. (Director). (1959). Some like it hot [Film]. Ashton Productions; The Mirisch Corporation.

Scott, R. (Director). (2006). Blade runner [Film; director's cut on DVD]. Roadshow.

EndNote reference type

Film or broadcast

As last step, convert to plain text. Add (Director) as needed.

YouTube video

Elements of the reference

Author - last name, initial(s) or group name [Username - if available]. (Year, Month Day). Title of video - italicised [Video]. YouTube - or similar site name. Web address

In-text reference

(O'Brien, 2017)

O'Brien (2017) demonstrated that ....

Reference list

O’Brien, B. [Brenna O]. (2017, May 5). NVivo 11 training - full video (5/4/17) - updated [Video]. YouTube.

EndNote reference type

Social media

Add title to Post text field

Add Month Day to Post Date field

Add username to Handle field

Add YouTube to Provider field

Instagram video

Elements of the reference

Author(s) - use & to combine authors [Instagram name]. (Year, Month Day). Title or content up to first 20 words - italicised [Video]. Instagram. Web address

In-text reference

(The University of Queensland Library, 2019)

The University of Queensland Library (2019) showed that....

Reference list

The University of Queensland Library [uniofqldlibrary]. (2019, October 21). Visit the High-Use and Requested Items section on level 1 of Central Library [Video]. Instagram.

EndNote reference type

Social media

Add title to Post text field

Add Month Day to Post Date field

Add username to Handle field