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APA 7th referencing style

This is a guide to using the APA7 referencing style from the American Psychological Association. It is based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

Television series

Elements of the reference

Executive Producer(s) (Executive Producer(s)). (Years - it aired, use present if still airing). Title - italicised [TV series]. Production Compan(ies); Broadcaster Name.

In-text reference

(Benioff et al., 2009-2011)

Benioff et al. (2009-2011)

Reference list

Benioff, D., Casady, G., Doelger, F., Gerardis, V., & Weiss, D. B. (Executive Producers). (2011–2019). Game of thrones [TV series]. Television 360; Grok! Studio; Generator Entertainment; Bighead Littlehead; Home Box Office.

EndNote reference type

Audiovisual material

As last step, convert to plain text. Add (Executive Producers) as needed.

Episode from television series or webisode

Elements of the reference

Episode writer's name - last name, initial(s) (Writer), & Director name - last name, initial(s). (Director). (Year, Month Day). Title of television series episode (Season ..., Episode ...) [Television series episode]. In Executive producer - inital(s), last name (Executive producer(s)), Television series name - italicised. Production Companies - use ; to separate multiples.

In-text reference

(Writer's last name & Director's last name, Year)

(Rappaport & Dubin, 1983)

Rappaport and Dubin (1983) found that ....

Reference list

Rappaport, J. (Writer) & Dubin, C. S. (Director). (1983, January 24). Say no more (Season 11, Episode 12) [Television series episode]. In B. Metcalfe (Executive producer), M*A*S*H. 20th Century Fox Television; CBS.

EndNote reference type

Television episode

As last step, convert to plain text. Add (Director), (Writer) or (Executive producer) as needed.