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Vancouver (AMA) referencing style

A guide to referencing in the Vancouver (American Medical Association - AMA) style. Includes tips for using EndNote.

Referencing reports

It can be difficult to tell whether any given document should be considered a 'report'. Use this format for documents which are more formal in nature and which aim to summarise information on a particular issue, event or problem. If the document doesn't seem to fit those criteria, use Other items on the Web. The two formats are very similar so there will be very little difference (if any) between the reference produced.

Report online

Elements of the citation

Author AA, Author BB. Title of report or document. Name of Organisation. Report number. (if available) Series number. (if available) Month DD, YYYY. (date published if available) Updated Month DD, YYYY. (date updated if available) Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL

  • If the report has been authored by an organisation, the author can be omitted from the front of the reference
  • Where it might help your reader to identify the organisation, provide more detail using commas e.g. Productivity Commission, Australian Government; or Central Bureau of Statistics, Government of Nepal.
Reference list
  1. Australian respiratory surveillance report: viral respiratory diseases epidemiology and surveillance section.  Australian Centre for Disease Control. Report 6. June 21, 2024. Accessed June 28, 2024.
  2. Oral health and dental care in Australia: key facts and figures trends 2014. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Cat. no. DEN 228. August 18, 2014. Accessed June 28, 2024.
  3. Meyers J, Langston A, Devereux D, Lin, B. Mapping land surface temperatures and heat-health vulnerability in Darwin. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. October 22, 2020. Accessed June 28, 2024.
  4. Report on government services 2020: part E health. Productivity Commission, Australian Government. January 31, 2020. Accessed June 28, 2024.
  5. Overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health status, 2023. Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet. 2024. Accessed June 28, 2024.
EndNote reference type

Government Document or Report

  • Add name of the organisation to Government Body (Government Document template) or Department/Division (Report template).
  • Add report or document numbers to Report Number (if there is a series number, add it after the report/document number).
  • Enter month and day (Month DD) to Date, and year (YYYY) to the Year fields.
  • Enter the URL in the URL field and the access date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024.


Report in print

Elements of the citation

Author AA, Author BB. Title of report or document. Name of Organisation. Report number. (if available) Series number. (if available) Month DD, YYYY. (date published if available)

Reference list
  1. Beaver C, Zhao Y. Investment analysis of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary health care program in the Northern Territory. Commissioned by the Commonwealth of Australia. Consultant report no. 2. 2004.
EndNote reference type

Government Document or Report

  • Add name of the organisation to Government Body (Government Document template) or Department/Division (Report template).
  • Add report or document numbers to Report Number (if there is a series number, add it after the report/document number).
  • Enter month and day (Month DD) to Date, and year (YYYY) to the Year fields.
  • Leave DOI and URL fields blank