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Vancouver (AMA) referencing style

A guide to referencing in the Vancouver (American Medical Association - AMA) style. Includes tips for using EndNote.


Elements of the citation

Author AA, Author BB. Data from: Title of dataset. Title of Website. Deposited Month DD, YYYY. (date published if available) DOI

No DOI available

Author AA, Author BB. Data from: Title of dataset. Title of Website. Deposited Month DD, YYYY. (date published if available) Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL

Reference list
  1. Dordevic A. Data from: Inflammatory responses to meals with varying levels of anti-inflammatory potential: a randomised control pilot study in adults above a healthy weight. Australian Research Data Commons. Deposited 2023. Accessed October 15, 2024.
  2. Dignam J. Data from: Early within therapy naming probes as a clinically-feasible predictor of anomia treatment response. UQ eSpace. Deposited 2023. doi:10.48610/1ae3b01
  3. Francuzik W. Data from: Skin microbiome in atopic dermatitis: 16S gene sequence data. figshare. Deposited 2016. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.4028943
  4. Boucher C, Nguyen TS, Silar P. Data from: Podospora anserina strain X chromosome 4 region between Pa_4_7610 and Pa_4_7620 genomic sequence. Nucleotide. Deposited February 25, 2018. Accessed October 15, 2024.
EndNote reference type


  • Add authors or institution to the Investigators field. 
  • Add the title of the dataset title to the Title field.
  • Add the title of the website to the Place Published field.
  • Add the deposited date as known (Year only, or Month, Year, or Month Day, Year) to the Original Release Date field.
  • If there is no DOI for the item, enter the URL in the URL field and the access date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024.