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Vancouver (AMA) referencing style

A guide to referencing in the Vancouver (American Medical Association - AMA) style. Includes tips for using EndNote.

Referencing pamphlets, brochures or package inserts

Use these formats for physical items. If you have found a pamphlet, brochure, insert or similar material online, reference it as Other items on the web.

Pamphlet or brochure

Elements of the citation Title of brochure/pamphlet. Description of material. Manufacturer/Publisher; YYYY.
Reference list
  1. Medicines and driving. Pamphlet. Pharmaceutical Society of Australia; 2024.
EndNote reference type


  • Add description of the material (e.g. pamphlet, brochure) to Type of Work field. 
  • If cited as an "Other item on the Web", add the description of the material to the Title field.


Package insert

Elements of the citation

Name of product. Description of material. Manufacturer/Publisher; YYYY. 

  • Note: Package inserts are the printed material about the use and effects of the product contained in the package.
Reference list
  1. Lamasil. Package insert. Sandoz Pharmaceuticals Corp; 2022.
EndNote reference type


  • Add description of the material (e.g. package insert) to Type of Work field.
  • If cited as an "Other item on the Web", add the description of the material to the Title field.