When providing URLs:
Use the best information you can find to indicate dates, in the format Month DD, YYYY. If some information is missing, it can be omitted. For example if full detail is available you can present it, e.g. June 7, 2018. if only a year is available you can use 2018, if a month and a year is available you can use June, 2018.
If there is no updated date available, omit that part of the reference completely.
All references require a date published, and you should always make your best effort to identify this. For some online sources (and in rare cases other sources such as books) there will be no publication date available. In this situation use "date unknown", e.g.
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board. Preoperative intravenous iron therapy. Centre for Perioperative Care. Date unknown. Accessed September 24, 2024. https://cpoc.org.uk/sites/cpoc/files/documents/2022-07/1.%20Cardiff%20and%20Vale%20Patient%20Information.docx
This information applies to all reference types.
For 1 to 6 authors list all authors, e.g.
For more than 6 authors list the first 3 authors, followed by 'et al', e.g.
If there are no authors listed, it's often reasonable to attribute authorship to the organisation responsible for the item. If you can't determine either individual or organisational authorship, omit the the author from the front of the reference.
If you use authors' names in the text: