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Research impact evidence

Guide to finding research impact evidence that may be used in research impact statements

Citation network

Analyse the publications citing your research to find:

  • Who is citing your publications?
  • Why are they citing your publications?
  • Where are they from?
  • What areas do they work in?

Publications citing your work (via Web of Science)

For a single paper or a group of papers you've authored, you can use the Analyze Results tool on the citing articles to reveal interesting data points about your impact (i.e., whose work did you impact, what is the impact of your work in other disciplines, what is the geographical distribution of your impact, etc?).

Watch Using Web of Science to find your publication and citing information (YouTube, 3m23s) or follow these instructions on which authors have cited you. 


Publications citing your work (via Scopus)

Watch Using Scopus to find who is citing your publications (YouTube, 2m34s) or follow these step-by-step instructions. 

  1. Go to Scopus
  2. Click on Authors, enter the author details (you don't need an affiliation) and click Search
  3. Click the link to citing documents

  1. Click View list in search results format 

  1. Select Analyze search results


Here you can select:

  • Documents by author (who is citing your work)
  • Documents by affiliation (which organisation they are from)
  • Documents by country/territory (where they are from)
  • Documents by subject area (this shows if there is uptake in areas beyond your immediate discipline)