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Research impact evidence

Guide to finding research impact evidence that may be used in research impact statements

Author performance metrics in SciVal

Find metrics relating to your top performing papers and collaboration in SciVal. SciVal metrics are based on your authored publications in Scopus. 


  1. Access SciVal and create a login (if you don't have one already) 
  2. On the homepage fill in your last name and first name in the Are you a researcher section
  3. Click Find my profile 

  1. Complete the process of setting up your research profile, validating your publications if required
    • If you have multiple profiles that are yours, you can request to merge them 
    • Click This is me - connect this researcher profile to my SciVal account, so you can find your profile easily next time
  2. Click the Reporting tab 

  1. Click Report templates and then select Templates provided by your institution from the drop-down menu 
  2. There are three templates to choose from - each have the same metrics indicators, but include different publication types
    • The first template includes all publication types 
    • The second template is limited to articles and reviews
    • The third is limited to articles, reviews and conference papers

  1. Select the template you wish to use. You will then be prompted to create a report from template.
  2. Select yourself from the list of researcher/s and click Add selected OR drag the entity across (note: if you've completed steps 1-3 you should see yourself here) 
  3. Click next step and you will be prompted to name your report so you can save it. 
  4. Click Create report 
  5. The report should now be displayed. You can edit the year range from the drop-down menu. 

  1. You can also choose to export the report to a spreadsheet file (CSV OR XLSX) and other formats from the save as drop-down menu.
  2. If you wish to edit the analyses, click Explore/edit analysis  

  1. You will now be able to see all of these metrics in the Compare module, where you can make further changes (e.g. add additional metrics) 

  1. Click Export to export the data to a CSV or XLSX file. 

Useful indicators 

  • the average Field-Weighted Citation Impact (FWCI) for your publications (note: interpret with care when <20 publications) 
  • Outputs in Top Citation Percentiles (field-weighted
    • This will tell you how many publications you have in the top 1%, 5%, 10% (with respect to documents of the same discipline, type and age) 

Details about each of SciVal's metrics indicators 

Visit Top papers in SciVal to identify how each of your papers are performing, and identify those that are performing well within their field. 

Author performance metrics in InCites

For a group of papers you've authored, you can use the advanced metrics provided in InCites to get a deeper understanding of impact and performance. InCites metrics are based on your authored publications in Web of Science. 

Note: Register an email address to sign into InCites from anywhere. If you are not on campus, and have not yet created an InCites account, you may need to install a UQ Virtual Private Network (VPN) to get access.


In InCites: 

  1. Click the dropdown to the left of Report and click Researcher Report 
  2. Under Person Name, click the dropdown to the right of Unique ID Search, and select Web of Science ResearcherID or ORCID 
    • See ORCID iD and research identifiers if you have not yet set up a ResearcherID or ORCID iD and added all of your publications to your profile
    • You can also opt to change the date range 
  3. To download a PDF copy of the report, click Download PDF 
    • The report includes data relating to your Research Output, Collaboration and Most Cited Documents 
  4. To view additional data, go back to the report within the interface and scroll down to see the metrics relating to your Research Output including your H-index, Documents published/cited and % Documents in the top 10%.
  5. Click View Data under the Documents Published by WOS Categories infographic to see how your papers are performing

In the table you will be able to view performance metrics for your papers across different WOS categories - note: the Category Normalised Citation Impact should be interpreted with care, when there are less then 20 papers in a category. 

Metrics in InCites

InCites provides metrics for a varied perspective into your performance:

% Documents in Top 1% 

The percentage of your papers that have been cited enough times to place them in the top 1% (when compared to papers in the same category, year, and of the same document type). You can also get the number of papers in the top 1%. 

% Documents in Top 10%

The percentage of your papers that have been cited enough times to place them in the top 10%. This is normalized for category, year, and document type. You can also get the number of papers in the top 10%. 

Category Normalized Citation Impact

CNCI is an indicator of impact normalized for subject focus, age, and document type. A CNCI value of one represents performance at par with world average, values above one are considered above average, and values below one are considered below average. A CNCI value of two is considered twice the world average.

% Industry Collaborations

The percentage of your papers produced with co-authors from industry.

% International Collaborations

The percentage of your papers produced with international co-authors.

To identify performance metrics for each paper you've authored, follow the Top papers in InCites instructions.