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Publication metrics for the Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project, Future Fellowship and DECRA grants

Find and use metrics to provide evidence of your track record and top papers when applying for an ARC Discovery Project, Future Fellowship or DECRA grant.

Example statements for top 10 career-best publications

  • Publication XYZ: 309 citations; FWCI = 12.86; cited in 2021 policy document by WHO; featured in MIT Technology Review (USA) (Scopus Jan 2024)
  • Book XYZ: Won the 2021 award for best new Australian Science Fiction author; outstanding review in the London Review of Books (Jan 2024)

Note: Limited to 150 characters, or approximately 20 words per publication (as per EOI draft guidelines)

Reasons why a publication may be selected in top 10

There may be many reasons why a publication is selected in your top 10, depending on the field and the type of publication. These include but are not limited to:

  • Favourable citation-based metrics
  • Won prestigious national or international awards
  • Citations in policy documents or patent documents
  • Attracted significant online attention which can be tracked via databases such as Altmetric or PlumX
  • Positive reviews written by peers within the field
  • Publications where you are 1st or last author
  • Newer publications.

Identify top performing publications based on citations

Your publication’s citation metrics are demonstrated by:

  • how many citations it has
  • how quickly the citations have accrued
  • citations still accruing if the publication is 10+ years old, indicating longevity and importance of the work.

Compare your publications to work of a similar age, subject area or journal to decide what your top papers are. For publications in:

You can also analyse how each of your publications are performing relative to the field, in the SciVal database (Scopus indexed publications).

Visit Top papers in SciVal to identify how each of your publications are performing, and identify those that are performing well in their field.