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Publication metrics for the Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project, Future Fellowship and DECRA grants

Find and use metrics to provide evidence of your track record and top papers when applying for an ARC Discovery Project, Future Fellowship or DECRA grant.

Example statements for policy citations via PlumX

My publication ABC has been cited in 2 policy documents by the World Health Organization (Scopus; PlumX, MMM YYYY)

Find policy citations via PlumX

PlumX Metrics provides details of online interaction with individual research outputs and is available for publications indexed in the Scopus and CINAHL databases.

Access PlumX Metrics

  1. Go to Scopus
  2. Click on Authors, enter the author details (you don't need an affiliation) and click Search
  3. Click the number under Documents to view your publications
  4. Click Sort on …Cited by (highest)
  5. Click the title of a paper
  6. Click View all metrics
  7. Click View PlumX details to go to a new screen where you can explore the details of the online attention.

View all metrics option

View PlumX details option


  • The altmetrics sourced from PlumX (via Scopus) may overlap with altmetrics sourced from Altmetric Explorer. 
  • Altmetric Explorer may provide more comprehensive information for many disciplines, though PlumX can be more detailed for Health/Medicine disciplines (e.g. it includes clinical practice guidelines and clinical citations).
  • PlumX is particularly good for citations in Australian policy documents.
  • It's highly recommended to check the accuracy of these citations, by looking at policies and clinical guidelines to confirm they have cited/referenced your work. It is also an opportunity to see how your research may have translated into practice. 

Sage Policy Profiles

Sage Policy Profiles is a free tool you can use to track how your research has been cited in policy from governments, think tanks and policymakers across the world. It enables you to download this information for all of your publications - rather than having to look at each publication individually through PlumX. 

Access Sage Policy Profiles

  1. Go to Sage Policy Profiles.

Sage Policy Profiles main webpage

  1. Sign up for an account 
  2. Enter your ORCID ID (if you have one) or your full name as it appears on your publications. 

Sage Policy Profiles login page

  1. Here you will see the number of citations you have across policy documents, and a map showing which countries these citations occurred. You can also click on the 'timeline' view to see the number of publications/policy citation count over time. 

Example of number of policy document citations and map of where citations are coming from.

Click image for a larger version

  1. Click on the 'policy citations' page tab to see the details of the policy documents that have cited your publication/s.
  2. Click on 'export data' to export these details to an excel spreadsheet. This data can be saved as evidence to back up your claims of impact. Note that the page number in the policy document, where the research is cited is not exported with the rest of the data (but can be seen on the 'policy citations' page).

Recent policy citations

Click image for a larger version.