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Publication metrics for the Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project, Future Fellowship and DECRA grants

Find and use metrics to provide evidence of your track record and top papers when applying for an ARC Discovery Project, Future Fellowship or DECRA grant.

Example statement for patent citations via The Lens

I have 27 articles that are cited in 60 patent documents (24 granted patent, 32 patent applications, 4 search reports) – jurisdictions include the United States and Patent Trademark Office (US), World Intellectual Property Organisation (WO) And EP European Patent Office (EP) (PatCite -The Lens, MMM YYYY).


  • Citations from patents may provide evidence that your research has commercial influence.
  • Patent citations to scholarly output indicate a connection between research and industry, with original research as an input into innovation.
  • It is not possible to see from patents whether the results of the research are eventually commercially exploited, but research cited by patents is a strong indicator of the relevance that it could have to industry.

Find patent citations

Use the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) or PubMed Identifier (PMID) of a publication, or the patent identifier to discover patent related citations.

Using PatCite via The Lens (YouTube, 3m43s) explains how to find information about the patent documents that have cited your publications: