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Publication metrics for the Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project, Future Fellowship and DECRA grants

Find and use metrics to provide evidence of your track record and top papers when applying for an ARC Discovery Project, Future Fellowship or DECRA grant.

Recordings of recent training sessions

Recordings of training held October 2024

Metrics training sessions recordings

View the recorded Publication metrics for your ARC grants – Future Fellowship, DECRA and Discovery Project (UQ login required) on Zoom (held 1st October 2024).This session will help you find and analyse your publications in the Scopus and SciVal citation databases.

View the recorded Research Engagement and Impact evidence for your ARC Future Fellowship, DECRA and Discovery Project (UQ login required) on Zoom (held 3rd October 2024).  This session will help you to identify and track engagement and impact evidence using tools outside the citation databases such as Altmetric Explorer, PatCite (The Lens) and WorldCat. 

Contact for a copy of the slides presented at these sessions. 

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Contact us if you have questions or require additional information.