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Publication metrics for the Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project, Future Fellowship and DECRA grants

Find and use metrics to provide evidence of your track record and top papers when applying for an ARC Discovery Project, Future Fellowship or DECRA grant.

Example statements for altmetrics and online attention to research

News mentions

My publications have been mentioned in 342 news stories from national and international news outlets, such as The Conversation; Forbes; and World News SBS (Altmetric, January 2023).

Note: Demonstrates interest in my work beyond academia and interest online via media/news outlets among the general public.

Policy mentions

My publications have been mentioned 16 times in policy documents; policy outlets include National Institute for Health and Care Excellence; World Health Organization; and UK Government (GOV.UK) (Altmetric, January 2023). 

Note: Being cited in a NICE guideline can demonstrate translation or influence of research into clinical practice.

Online attention to your research

Altmetrics (also known as alternative metrics) can uncover the volume and nature of attention to your publications from sources including:

  • social media (likes, reposts, comments)
  • public policy documents
  • patent citations
  • news articles and mainstream media
  • blog posts
  • wikipedia articles.

Learn more about Altmetrics — includes guides, videos and recommended readings.

Note: Don't highlight the Altmetric Attention Score unless you provide more context.

Find Altmetric Attention data

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  1. Search for your publications in UQ eSpace
  2. Click the number under the Altmetric Attention donut in the result
    • If there is no number, the article may not have Altmetric data
    • Only publications with a DOI have altmetric data.

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