Full text of legislative acts of the Council of the European Union, the European Parliament, and the European Commission reported in the Official Journal of the European Community, L Series from 1952 onwards.
The official compendium of EU legislation (L series) and other official documents of the EU institutions, bodies and agencies (C series and its supplements).
Search for or browse for binding legal instruments (regulations, directives and decisions), non-binding instruments (resolutions, opinions), or other instruments (EU institutions’ internal regulations, EU action programmes, etc.)
Passes EU laws, signs agreements, develops the EU's foreign and defence policies, approves the EU budget, coordinates economic policies and co-operation.
The European Parliament has three main roles — debating and passing European laws, with the Council; scrutinising other EU institutions, particularly the Commission, to make sure they are working democratically; and debating and adopting the EU's budget, with the Council.