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EndNote referencing software

How to use EndNote 21 and 20 Desktop for Windows and Mac, EndNote Online (Web) and EndNote for iPad and iPhone, thesis and publications writing, advanced tools, output (referencing) styles, syncing, sharing and collaboration and common issues.

How to download

Button to download EndNote

To download:

  1. Go to UQ Software Licensing.
  2. Click on Download software.
  3. Choose EndNote from the list.
  4. Select the version and platform you need.

EndNote is available for current University of Queensland students and staff for free to install on their personal device.

University computers

Library computers

EndNote is available on Library computers.

University of Queensland provided computers

Visit Self-installing software on UQ computers to install on a UQ computer.

Also check with your School, Centre or Institute IT staff for assistance.

Important If you are asked for a password when trying to install on a UQ provided device, contact your School or Faculty IT person.

Accessing EndNote

Watch Accessing the EndNote software (YouTube, 59s)

Check for updates

EndNote is regularly updated. These can provide new features or repair bugs.


  • Click on Help then choose Check for updates 


  • Click on the EndNote [version number] menu then Check for updates.


Follow these steps if you need to upgrade to a new version.