Always make a backup copy of your document.
For cloud saved documents, EndNote will not automatically save a second copy when converting to plain text.
If you choose continue on the message window, EndNote will remove all EndNote code from your original document.
To safely convert to plain text on cloud saved documents:
The EndNote toolbar (or CWYW - Cite While You Write tool) may not install correctly or it may have disappeared from Word.
This issue can be caused by different things.
Avoid using track changes if possible. It can interfere with EndNote references updating correctly.
Check if it is your document or an issue with Word itself.
A corrupt document can be caused by:
Best practice is to use the Remove Citations option in Edit and Manage Citations.
Try this suggestion if you have trouble importing references from Google Scholar or any other database, and the journal name is being misplaced.
Cloud storage can cause your library to become damaged.
EndNote libraries should not be:
Regularly backup your library in case of issues.
You may need to add group authors to a reference. These include companies, organisations and government departments.
Groups authors may appear like a name of a person e.g. Organization, W. H.
To stop this, you must add comma at the end e.g. World Health Organization,
Watch Cleaning up your library (YouTube, 2m14s) for more information.
This issue can happen when:
Screenshot of Selecting Matching Reference window from EndNote 20 for Windows by Clarivate.
Click on image for a larger version.
This can happen if:
Only use one library with one Word document.
To sync to a different library, you need to reset or break the sync.
With numbered styles e.g. Vancouver, if you convert your document to plain text, a space can be added between the end of the sentence and the in-text number when converting your document to plain text.
Before converting to plain text, it appears as:
Video provides a powerful way to help you prove your point.1
After converting to plain text, it appears as:
Video provides a powerful way to help you prove your point. 1
Space between superscript citation and a word has instructions on how to fix this.