To use the AGLC with EndNote, you need to install two files:
Download and install the AGLC4 style by the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Library.
Installing legal reference types will give you extra options for adding legal materials to your library. Right-click the Legal Reference Types (XML, 60 KB) and choose Save link as.
There are a number of reference type options for entering cases. Most Australian decisions may be added by creating a New Reference and choosing Case (Reported) or Case (Medium Neutral).
If you were entering this reported case, R v Tang (2008) 237 CLR 1, you would need to add information in the following fields:
EndNote reported case record with required fields completed (Click for a larger image).
There are a number of reference types for entering legislation from varied jurisdictions. Enter Australian legislation by creating a New Reference and Statute or Statute without Short Title. To enter the Property Law Act 1958 (Vic) with a short title of 'Property Act', you would need to add add information in the following fields:
There are many other databases or research tools that allow you to directly import references to your Library. The databases below contain selected legal materials:
The HeinOnline databases allow you to export journal article references.
To import individual references to your EndNote Library:
AGIS Plus Text allows users to download individual references. To import references from AGIS Plus Text:
When you install the EndNote program, the Cite While You Write add-in will be inserted into your word processing software. To start, ensure that you have set your output style to AGLC.
To do this:
Before you insert a citation, insert a footnote by placing your cursor in the relevant place in the document:
After placing your cursor in the footnote, go to your EndNote tab in Word and select Insert citation.
Insert citation in Word. (Click on image for larger version).
A pinpoint is a reference the specific part of the document you wish to cite. It may be a page number, paragraph number, section or article.
To add a pinpoint to your citation:
Add a pinpoint using EndNote. (Click on image for larger version).
Where a source is repeated more than one time, it is called a subsequent citation. Subsequent citations are indicated in two ways:
EndNote will apply ibid automatically. If the subsequent reference has a different pinpoint, however, you must indicate that.
For non-consecutive subsequent citations, EndNote will insert the shortened form of the citation: Monohan (n) or Family Law Act (n).
You can use Word’s Cross-Reference feature complete the citation:
Word will update the cross-reference if needed, if you access the print preview screen or print the document.
To sort your references in your bibliography, you must first configure your category headings. To do this, select Categorize references and Configure Categories.
When done, select Group references by Custom Categories. Your document should now list your sources in the correct order, under the correct headings.