When you create a new library (a file of your references), make sure it is not saved to cloud storage like OneDrive or iCloud. Saving your library to cloud storage may cause issues.
As a current UQ student or staff, you have automatic access to OneDrive. Often, cloud storage is the default place where your library is stored.
To avoid this:
Learn how to use EndNote including creating a library, add references, organise references with groups and insert in-text citations and reference lists in Microsoft Word.
This tutorial should be completed before undertaking EndNote for thesis and publications writing.
This tutorial is best viewed in full-screen mode using the button at the top-right.
Visit the EndNote: Getting started online tutorial.
For more advanced features of EndNote, complete the EndNote for thesis and publications writing online tutorial. Learn how to work with journals term lists, merge multiple documents, edit output styles and troubleshoot library issues.
You can use EndNote for footnote styles. You need to:
Note: It is generally not easy to change from a author-date or numbered style to a footnote output style.