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Digital Research Notebooks

Use Digital Research Notebooks, via the UQ Research Data Manager system, to organise, store, curate and share all your project's research or laboratory data including working documents, images, observations, and data in any format.

Request a notebook

DRNs can be provisioned for new and existing research projects via UQ Research Data Manager (UQRDM).


Request a notebook for a new project
  1. Go to UQRDM and create a research project record, following the UQ Research Data Manager - create a new project instructions.
  2. Fill in the project record form. From the 'Services' tab you can select a Digital Research Notebook to be linked to your project.
    • Note: You can only request one DRN per project.

  1. Add a name or label for your Digital Research Notebook
  2. Enter any requirements for page signing and witnessing
  3. Assign access rights to any collaborators who will be accessing the Digital Research Notebook
  4. Click on 'Add service', then Save and submit your project record form. This will initiate your request for a DRN.

Use the help icons for each section for more explanation on these elements of the DRN.

If you are the owner of the project and creator of the DRN, you will receive an email from UQRDM advising that you have been granted access to the notebook. This should take approximately five to ten minutesDo not open your new notebook until you have Activated your account - see "Activate your account'.

Request a notebook for an existing project

As the record owner or UQ lead:

  1. Go to UQRDM dashboard and click on the "My records" tab - select the record that you wish to request a DRN for. Only the record owner and UQ lead will be able make this request
  2. From the Connected Services section, click on the "Add Digital Research Notebook", and complete the form as above.

This will initiate your request for a DRN, and you will receive an email from UQRDM advising that you have been granted access to the notebook for the relevant project. This should take approximately five to ten minutes.  Do not open your new notebook until you have activated your account - see below.