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EndNote referencing software

How to use EndNote 21 and 20 Desktop for Windows and Mac, EndNote Online (Web) and EndNote for iPad and iPhone, thesis and publications writing, advanced tools, output (referencing) styles, syncing, sharing and collaboration and common issues.

Overview of different software

Overview of popular referencing management software tools.


What is Mendeley?

Mendeley is a referencing tool you can install on your computer and use online.

Important Do not install both the Microsoft Word Mendeley and EndNote add-ins onto the same computer. They can cause technical issues if both are installed.

Access Mendeley

You can create a Mendeley account with storage of up to 2 gigabytes:

  • the product is initially free
  • extra storage and collaborative features require a subscription.

Training and support

The Mendeley community has a blog which provides help and information.


What is Zotero?

Zotero is a free, open source reference management software which can manage bibliographic data and related articles and files.

Access Zotero

You can download the software and create a free account on the Zotero web site.

  • The free account offers 300 MB storage of files such as PDFs, images etc.
  • Additional storage is also available through a paid subscription.
  • We do not offer access to a paid subscription.

Use Zotero

  • You can use Zotero's Library Lookup and Find Available PDF features to assist in locating the full articles of your references
  • No proxy setting is required, but may be added in the Proxies area as:
    • Untick Automatically associate new hosts 
    • Login URL Scheme: 
    • Proxied URL Scheme: 
  • It is recommended to use UQ's VPN for best results.
  • See details of the Library OpenURL.

Training and support