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Publish a dataset with UQRDM and UQ eSpace

Helpful guide on how to use UQRDM to deposit, share and preserve datasets in UQ eSpace

Request access to a mediated dataset


When UQ researchers make their published datasets Mediated access, the dataset record in UQ eSpace is still discoverable from search engines such as Google. The dataset itself will be hidden, but access to the dataset can be requested via the Request access to the dataset link in the UQ eSpace record. 

Dataset owners are responsible for managing these requests for access.

Researchers who are interested in your data will click on the link found in the eSpace record.  The link will take the requester to a page where relevant information, such as the terms and conditions for reuse, data type(s) and data description, is provided. The requester needs to:

  1. Click Sign in to request via UQRDM
  2. Use the appropriate sign-in method (their institutional credential or LinkedIn username and password).
  3. Type a short message stating the reason for accessing the dataset.
  4. Click Send access request.

The dataset owner will then receive an email from UQRDM on behalf of the requester.  

  • Login to UQRDM and navigate to the dataset dashboard. Under Access requests, the new request will appear as pending. Hover over the message to view in full. 
  • Using the icons at the end of the row, select either Deny access or Grant access
  • If the "Grant access" option is selected, then the dataset owner needs to specify Permanent access or Temporary access.  For Temporary access, select a date to specify how long the requester has access to the dataset.  

If the access is denied, the dataset owner can record a reason for the denial which will be retained in the dataset record. The requester will not be able to request access to that dataset again.


Invite a user to access your dataset

The dataset owner can invite and add users to the dataset record, giving them permanent (or temporary) access to the dataset. This may be to share research data for collaboration purposes, or to assign a new dataset owner.

1. Log in to UQRDM and select My Published Datasets tab.

2. Click on the relevant dataset to open the Dataset Dashboard.

3. Click on "Add a User" icon .

4. Click on Copy URL.  Paste the URL link into an email inviting the researcher to request access to the dataset and send it to them. The researcher will receive the link and complete an access request form.

5. Grant permission to access the data.

  • Click Access Requests, in the dataset dashboard and select the researcher who has been invited to view the dataset.
  • Click the Grant Access icon and choose whether the access is to be temporary or permanent.

If the researcher is to become the new dataset owner, refer to Add a new dataset owner

6. The researcher will be emailed the details of the dataset and a link to access the dataset. Log in options are available using UQ Authenticate, or for non-UQ people--AAF Single Sign-on, eduGAIN, Tuakiri or LinkedIn.

Important information   7. To allow temporary access to the dataset, refer to Generate Timed Access Tokens for Users.

Manage access requests

Receiving a Request to Access a Dataset

Only the dataset owner can receive and manage the access requests for a mediated access dataset. The dataset owner will receive an email with the details of the request, including which dataset has been requested, who has requested it and the message submitted with their request.

To manage and respond to received access requests: 

  1. Log in to UQRDM and go to the relevant Dataset Dashboard.
  2. Click the Access Requests tab. You will see a list of requests with details of who has requested access to the dataset, the message sent with the request and when it was sent. 
  3. Select either Deny Access or Grant Access.     

4. If the access request is denied, the dataset owner has the option to include the reason for their decision in the response. An email will be sent to the requester advising them of the decision and the reason provided (if one was given). This reason will be recorded for future reference.

5. If the access request is granted, either permanent or temporary access must be chosen. An email is then sent to the requester with a link to the dataset. Login options are available using UQ Authenticate, or for non-UQ people--AAF Single Sign-on, eduGAIN, Tuakiri or LinkedIn.

6. If you wish to grant temporary access only and apply an expiry date, refer to Generate Timed Access tokens for users.

7. Any requests received will be listed under Access Requests in the dashboard and will remain as Pending until the dataset owner denies or grants the request to access data.

8. Once the request has been actioned it will be saved. You can go back an view previous requests  and can be viewed by moving the slide-bar clicking Show Past Requests.


9.  Access to a dataset can be revoked at any time by the dataset owner. See the instructions for Remove Access.

Generate timed access tokens for users

UQRDM allows you to control how long a researcher has access to a dataset, using time limited tokens for access.

To grant limited timed access to a dataset when there is a pending access request:

1. Log in to UQRDM.

2.  Click on My Published Datasets tab and open the relevant Dataset Dashboard.

3.  To see pending access requests for a dataset, click on Access Requests tab. Then click Grant Access.

4.  A box will open with the option to choose either permanent access or temporary access. Temporary access is provided via a token with an expiry date. 

5.  To set temporary access, choose Temporary Access token. Enter an expiry date (the date must be at least one day in the future). Access to the dataset will be automatically revoked on this date.

6.  Next, click Create and Email Access Token. The access token will be emailed to the selected researcher with details of the dataset, a link to access the dataset and the date the link/access expires. Login options are available using UQ Authenticate, or for non-UQ people--AAF Single Sign-on, eduGAIN, Tuakiri or LinkedIn.



  • Click on the Timed Access Tokens tab to view all current timed access permissions in place. From this tab you can remove access at any time, retrieve the original access token (or link) and email it or resend it to a user.
  • Past and expired timed access tokens can be viewed using the slide-bar.