Yes. There are several things to consider before you publish a dataset.
These can include whether you have ethics clearances, ownership or authority to publish the data, or whether there are legal agreements that impact on publishing. Have a look at our Data Deposit Checklist for more detail.
You should also prepare your dataset itself including cleaning the data, anonymising any participant details, preparing code books, readme files, and supporting metadata. You can then prepare your stored data for publishing via UQRDM.
Close datasets, where no access will be permitted are not suitable for publishing.
Dataset records in UQ eSpace are discoverable via Google and Research Data Australia's data portal. In addition, UQ eSpace is indexed in Clarivate's Data Citation Index. The DOI attached to your dataset links back to the eSpace record.
When a researcher discovers your dataset record in eSpace, they can either click on the link to download the dataset (Open Access) or request access to the data (Mediated Access).
Always cite your dataset in any of your publications. All major referencing styles have recommended ways of citing datasets. Contact the Librarian team for information on referencing styles and how to cite a dataset.
Often journals will request access to the data underpinning a publication. Publishing your dataset to UQ eSpace using the UQRDM system meets this requirement.
You can publish your dataset as Open Access, and simply provide the DOI to the journal which allows them to view the dataset.
Alternatively, you can publish the dataset as Mediated Access. This will give you a DOI which can be sent on to the journal editor to meet their requirements. Data owners can also generate temporary access to a mediated dataset for an editor or a peer reviewer to look at the dataset. Follow the instructions for Granting Access to Mediated Dataset.
There are two ways to get a DOI for your dataset
1. Publish dataset from UQRDM
When you publish a dataset from UQRDM, a DOI will be automatically generated, you will receive the DOI as soon as you submit the publishing data form.
2. Manually create a data record in UQ eSpace
If you manually create a data record in UQ eSpace, a DOI will be assigned by the Research Data Services team when they process your data record. You will be notified when the data record is published, you can find the DOI by clicking the link to go to the UQ eSpace data record.
If your data is already stored in UQRDM, the first option is highly recommended.