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Vancouver (AMA) referencing style - print version

This version of the Vancouver (AMA) referencing style guide has been set up to allow you to print or save the entire guide. Scroll to the end and click Print Page.

About Vancouver referencing style

What is the Vancouver referencing style?

The Vancouver style of referencing is a numbered style predominantly used in the medical field. Originally put forward by the ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) in Vancouver (hence the name), there are different variations of Vancouver that you might find online.

This guide is based on the 11th edition of the AMA Manual of Style

Before you write your list of references, check with your lecturer or tutor for the referencing style preferred by your school. There may be differences in the style recommended by your school.

What is referencing?

Referencing is a standardised way of acknowledging the sources of information and ideas that you have used in your assignments and which allows the sources to be identified. It is important to be consistent when you are referencing.

Why reference?

Referencing is important to avoid plagiarism, to verify quotations and to enable readers to follow up what you have written and more fully understand the cited author’s work.

Steps in referencing

  • Record the full bibliographic details and relevant page numbers of the source from which information is taken.
  • Punctuation marks and spaces in the reference list and citations are very important. Follow the punctuation and spacing exactly.
  • Insert the citation at the appropriate place in the text of your document.
  • Include a reference list that includes all in-text citations at the end of your document.

About this referencing guide

This referencing style guide provides a set of rules on how to acknowledge the thoughts, ideas and works of others when you use them in your own work.

Many types of publication examples have been provided in this guide. If you cannot find the example you need, you can:

  • consult the AMA Manual of Style
  • type the title of the item into Library Search to see if it has a suggested citation
  • view the reference lists of articles in publications that use Vancouver such as JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) 
  • adapt the rules of a similar publication type to the item
  • consult other Vancouver style guides online (choose guides also based on the AMA Manual of Style)
  • consult the Instructions to authors, if writing for a journal
  • consult with your tutor or course coordinator.

Further resources

Why reference?

It is important to understand the basics of referencing and why it is important. 

A referencing style is a set of rules on how to acknowledge the thoughts, ideas and works of others in a particular way. Different types of sources eg. books, articles, each have a specific format, determined by the referencing style you are using.

Referencing is a crucial part of successful academic writing, avoiding plagiarism and maintaining academic integrity in your assignments and research.

Watch Introduction to referencing (YouTube 3m43s) to learn about the basics of referencing.

Printing this guide

How to print or save this guide

To print or save this guide:

  1. Go to the print version of the guide.
  2. Click Print Page at the end of this page or use your browser’s Print tool.

This guide was updated on 22 October 2024.

Additional referencing information

Additional referencing information

Referencing specific formats

Suggestions for citing these formats, if there is not an existing rule in your referencing style:

Reference list or bibliography

Example reference list

Spacing between references in a reference list or bibliography

  • Double line spacing between each citation.
  • EndNote only puts a single line space between each citation.
  • Check with your school/lecturer what spacing they require.
  • Journals using the Vancouver style may also have their own line spacing requirements.


  1. Vieira, AR. Genetic Basis of Oral Health Conditions. Springer; 2019. Accessed June 26, 2024.
  2. Snowdon J. Severe depression in old age. Med Today. 2002;3(12):40‐47. Accessed June 27, 2024.
  3. McInnes D, Bollen J. Learning on the job: metaphors of choreography and the practice of sex in sex‐on‐premises venues. Venereology. 2000;13(1):27‐36. Accessed June 27, 2024.
  4. Australian respiratory surveillance report: viral respiratory diseases epidemiology and surveillance section.  Australian Centre for Disease Control. Report 6. June 21, 2024. Accessed June 28, 2024.
  5. Speed M. Is Ultra-processed Food Really That Bad? Financial Times; December 20, 2023. Accessed September 9, 2024.
  6. Oral health and dental care in Australia: key facts and figures trends 2014. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Cat. no. DEN 228. August 18, 2014. Accessed June 28, 2024.
  7. Michaelsen, FK. Child growth. In: Koletzko B, Bhatia, J, Bhutta, ZA, et al, eds. Pediatric Nutrition in Practice. 2nd ed. Karger; 2015:1-5. Accessed June 26, 2024.
  8. Xie Y, Choi T, Al-Aly Z. Postacute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the pre-Delta, Delta, and Omicron eras. N Engl J Med. Accepted manuscript. Published online July 17, 2024. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa2403211
  9. Cunningham A, Kotagiri A. A long history of dense deposit disease. BMC Ophthalmol. 2018;18(suppl 1):228. doi:10.1186/s12886-018-0853-8
  10. Kleinman JT, Mlynash M, Zaharchuk G, et al. Yield of CT perfusion for the evaluation of transient ischaemic attack. Int J Stroke. 2015;10(suppl A100):25-29. doi:10.1111/j.1747-4949.2012.00941.x

Difference between a reference list and a bibliography

Reference list

  • A reference list contains details only of those works cited in the text of the document.
  • A reference list should appear at the end of your document with the entries listed numerically and in the same order that they have been cited in the text.


  • A bibliography details works not cited in the text but which are relevant to the subject and were used for background reading. Bibliographies are used much less frequently than reference lists. If you think a bibliography is appropriate for your work you should check the requirements for your document, e.g. check with your lecturer, or with the journal you're submitting to.
  • A bibliography is a separate list from the reference list and should be arranged alphabetically by author or title (where no author is given) in the Vancouver style.

EndNote and Vancouver referencing

Vancouver referencing style in EndNote

Download the new UQ Vancouver AMA referencing style

To use EndNote to format references according to this guide you can use the UQ Vancouver AMA style, available from our output styles page.  

This style will appear with the name UQ Vancouver AMA in the Style option of EndNote and Word.

Under each reference type in this guide you will find any specific instructions you might need for using the UQ Vancouver AMA style.

Note that the Vancouver and Sage Vancouver styles that come automatically with EndNote will create references that will vary from this guide.

Learn more about EndNote with our guide.

In-text citation settings in Microsoft Word

Automatic display of author names in-text

When you insert an in-text citation using the UQ Vancouver AMA style, you can choose whether EndNote just adds a superscript number for a citation, or it adds the authors' names and the superscript number. The second option can save you typing out the authors' names yourself.

In Word go to the EndNote tools and Edit & Manage Citation(s) and select:

  • Default displays just the superscript number, e.g.: It has been long-established that UV radiation is a risk factor for melanoma.2-5,7,10
  • Author (Year) displays the authors' names in the correct format followed by the superscript number, e.g.: Smith and Jones22 suggest that...

image of Default and Display as: Author (Year) format

Screenshot of Edit Citation and Manage Citations window in EndNote add-in in Word on Mac by Clarivate.

Space appearing before in-text number for numbered styles

With numbered styles e.g. Vancouver, if you convert your document to plain text, a space can be added between the end of the sentence and the in-text number when converting your document to plain text.

Before converting to plain text, it appears as:

Video provides a powerful way to help you prove your point.1

After converting to plain text, it appears as:

Video provides a powerful way to help you prove your point. 1

Space between superscript citation and a word has instructions on how to fix this.

  1. Go to Word.
  2. Click on File.
  3. Select Options then click on Advanced.
  4. Move down to the Cut, copy and paste section.
  5. Click on the Settings button.
  6. Uncheck the option for Adjust sentence and word spacing automatically.
  7. Click OK.

In-text citations

About in-text citations

  • A citation is an acknowledgement in your text of a source that supports your work.  It is in the form of a number that correlates with the source in your reference list.
  • In the AMA Vancouver style, citations within the text of the essay/paper are identified by Arabic numbers in superscript with no brackets. This applies to references in text, tables and figures.
  • The Vancouver sequential number system assigns a number to each reference as it is cited.  A number must be used even if the author(s) is named in the sentence/text. e.g. Smith10 has argued that...
  • A number is allocated to a source in the order in which it is first cited in the text. If the source is referred to again, the same reference number is reused. For example, if a reference by Moir is the first one to be referred to in the text, then Moir's reference number is number 1 in the list. If you refer to this work by Moir again later in the text, you reuse number 1. 
  • Where it is useful to direct your reader to a specific page of a source, page numbers may be added to your reference number. See examples below. 
  • For citing and/or reproducing/adapting charts, tables, figures, maps and other illustrative materials from a source, please refer to this guide's Tables/Figures/Images/Appendices section.
  • When multiple references are cited at a given place in the text, use a hyphen to join the first and last numbers that are sequential. Use commas (without spaces) to separate non‐sequential numbers in a multiple citation e.g. 2,3,4,5,7,10 is abbreviated to 2‐5,7,10
  • Do not use a hyphen if there are no citation numbers in between that support your statement e.g. 1‐2. Use instead 1,2
  • The placement of citation numbers within text should be carefully considered.  A particular reference may be relevant to only part of a sentence.  As a general rule reference numbers::
    • should be placed outside full stops and commas
    • should be placed inside colons and semicolons
    • If you don't use the authors' names in the sentence references should be placed at the point in your text where it is clear that you are drawing on that source e.g. it has been reported that outcomes deteriorated significantly.2
    • If you use the authors' names in the sentence the reference number should generally be placed next to the names, e.g. Smithhas reported that outcomes deteriorated significantly...

Examples without page numbers

  • Numerous studies20‐22 have indicated.....
  • It has been long-established that UV radiation is a risk factor for melanoma.2-5,7,10
  • Moir and Jessel1 maintain that the sexes are interchangeable.

Examples with page numbers

  • Patients showed no signs of diabetes.1(p23),9
  • Smithers2(pp3,6) reported no sign of... (more than one page cited)

Using authors' names in the text of the document

  • 1 author: Smith21 has noted that...
  • For 2 authors use 'and': Smith and Jones22 suggest that...
  • For 3 or more authors use the first author and 'et al': Smith et al24 report that...

Displaying author names and reference numbers in Word with EndNote

  • Use Edit & Manage Citation(s) in Word to edit the way the in-text citation displays for your chosen reference number
  • Default displays just the superscript number, e.g.: It has been long-established that UV radiation is a risk factor for melanoma.2-5,7,10
  • Author (Year) displays the authors' names in the correct format followed by the superscript number, e.g.: Smith and Jones22 suggest that...

Indirect citation or secondary source

What is an indirect citation or secondary source?

A secondary source/indirect citation is when the ideas of one author are published in another author’s text but you have not read or accessed the original author’s work. Regarding this the AMA Manual of Style says "Authors should always consult the primary source and should never cite a reference that they themselves have not read". Particularly if you are writing an article for publication or a thesis you should adhere to this guidance. If you are writing a less formal document such as an assignment it is always preferable to find and cite the original work, but if that is not possible:

  • In the reference list, provide the details of the author of the work in which you found the quotation or idea - the actual source you looked at.
  • Make it clear in the text of your document that you are quoting a secondary source.

Indirect citation or secondary source

Elements of the citation Follow the format of the reference in which you found the indirect citation.

Reference list
as secondary source

- Book
- Journal article

  1. Ratcliff KS. The Social Determinants of Health: Looking Upstream. Polity Press; 2017.
  1. Harvey S, Jarrell J, Brant R, Stainton C, Rach D. A randomized, controlled trial of nurse-midwifery care. Birth. 1996;23(3):128-135. doi:10.1111/j.1523-536x.1996.tb00473.x
In-text reference Ratcliff1 discusses Newman’s research on processed foods in her work...

Harvey et al2 note Chandler's view that... 
EndNote reference type Follow the EndNote instructions for the format of the reference in which you found the indirect citation.

General information


When providing URLs:

  • where possible provide a direct link to the item you're referencing, rather than a link to the homepage of the website where the item is located.
  • avoid long links that contain temporary data such as the words you used to search, e.g.

    Look for a shorter, more stable link, e.g.:
  • verify that the link still works as close as possible to finalising your document.

Missing date information

Partial date information

Use the best information you can find to indicate dates, in the format Month DD, YYYY. If some information is missing, it can be omitted. For example if full detail is available you can present it, e.g. June 7, 2018. if only a year is available you can use 2018, if a month and a year is available you can use June, 2018.

No updated date available

If there is no updated date available, omit that part of the reference completely.

No published date available

All references require a date published, and you should always make your best effort to identify this. For some online sources (and in rare cases other sources such as books) there will be no publication date available. In this situation use "date unknown", e.g.

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board. Preoperative intravenous iron therapy. Centre for Perioperative Care. Date unknown. Accessed September 24, 2024.

Number of authors

This information applies to all reference types.

Reference list

For 1 to 6 authors list all authors, e.g.

  1. Skalsky K, Yahav D, Bishara J, Pitlik S, Leibovici L, Paul M. Treatment of human brucellosis: systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMJ. 2008;336(7646):701-704. doi:10.1136/bmj.39497.500903.25

For more than 6 authors list the first 3 authors, followed by 'et al', e.g.

  1. Hanna JN, McBride WJ, Brookes DL, et al. Hendra virus infection in a veterinarian. Med J Aust. 2006;185(10):562‐564. doi:10.5694/j.1326-5377.2006.tb00692.x

No authors

If there are no authors listed, it's often reasonable to attribute authorship to the organisation responsible for the item. If you can't determine either individual or organisational authorship, omit the the author from the front of the reference.

In-text citations

If you use authors' names in the text:

  • 1 author: Snowdon's research ...2-5
  • For 2 authors use 'and': McInnes and Bollen3 suggest that...
  • For 3 or more authors use the first author and 'et al': Skalsky et alreport that...


Referencing books

Electronic books are referenced in exactly the same way as print books, except for the information at the end of the reference.

Any of the print examples below can be used for an electronic book by adding the DOI, or the Access Date and URL.

Any of the electronic examples below can be used for a print book by omitting the DOI and URL.

One author

Elements of the citation Author AA. Book Title. Nth ed. (if later than 1st edition) Publisher; Year.
Reference list
  1. Franks A. Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Legacy: The Control of Female Fertility. McFarland; 2005.
In-text reference ...women were denied access to birth control.1
Franks1 has suggested that ...
EndNote reference type Book

Two to six authors

Elements of the citation Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, Author DD, Author EE, Author FF. Book Title. Nth ed. (if later than 1st edition) Publisher; Year.
Reference list
  1. Cheers B, Darracott R, Lonne B. Social Care Practice in Rural Communities. The Federation Press; 2007.
In-text reference

‘... needed to influence policy.’2


For 2 authors, list both:
Smith and Jones reported that '...'.

For 3 or more authors use et al:
Cheers et al have highlighted the fact that ‘...'.

EndNote reference type Book

More than six authors

Elements of the citation Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, et al. Book Title. Nth ed. (if later than 1st edition) Publisher; Year.
Reference list
  1. Hofmeyr GJ, Neilson JP, Alfirevic Z, et al. A Cochrane Pocketbook: Pregnancy and Childbirth. John Wiley & Sons; 2008.
In-text reference Hofmeyr et al3 state that...
EndNote reference type Book

No author

Elements of the citation

Book Title. Nth ed. (if later than 1st edition) Publisher; Year. Accessed Month DD, YYYY (if applicable). URL (if applicable)

  • Where a book has no listed authors or editors, omit this from the front of the reference
Reference list
  1. Macquarie Encyclopedic Dictionary: Australia's National Dictionary. 2nd ed. Macquarie Dictionary Publishers; 2010.
In-text reference ...oral health is influenced greatly by genetics.12
EndNote reference type Book

Different editions

Elements of the citation

Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, Author DD, Author EE, Author FF. Book Title. Nth ed. (if later than 1st edition) Publisher; Year. 

Reference list
  1. Murtagh J. John Murtagh’s General Practice. 4th ed. McGraw‐Hill Australia; 2007.
EndNote reference type Book

Edited book

Note that if the book has chapters authored by different people, it would be best to reference the specific chapter you are referring to. Visit Chapter in an edited book for more information.
Elements of the citation

Editor AA, Editor BB, Editor CC, eds. Book Title. Nth ed. (if later than 1st edition) Publisher; Year.

Reference list
  1. Brooks A, Mahoney PR, Rowlands B, eds. ABC of Tubes, Drains, Lines and Frames. Wiley Blackwell; 2008.
EndNote reference type

Edited Book

Chapter in an edited book

Elements of the citation

Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, Author DD, Author EE, Author FF. Title of chapter. In: Editor AA, Editor BB, eds. Book Title. Nth ed. (if later than 1st edition) Publisher; Year:Page Numbers.

  • List full page numbers, e.g. 127-139 (i.e. don't abbreviate page numbers e.g. 127-39)
Reference list
  1. Rowlands TE, Haine LS. Acute limb ischaemia. In: Donnelly R, London NJM, eds. ABC of Arterial and Venous Disease. 2nd ed. Blackwell Publishing; 2009:123-140.
EndNote reference type

Book Section

  • Add chapter authors to Author and book editors to Editor fields
  • Add book chapter title in the Title field and the book name in the Book Title field
  • Add page numbers to Pages

Chapter from an edited electronic book

Elements of the citation           

1-6 editors

Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, Author DD, Author EE, Author FF. Title of chapter. In: Editor AA, Editor BB, eds. Book Title. Nth ed. (if later than 1st edition) Publisher; Year:page numbers. DOI

More than 6 editors

Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, Author DD, Author EE, Author FF. Title of chapter. In: Editor AA, Editor BB, Editor CC, et al, eds. Book Title. Nth ed. (if later than 1st edition) Publisher; Year:Page Numbers. DOI

No DOI available

1-6 editors

Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, Author DD, Author EE, Author FF. Title of chapter. In: Editor AA, Editor BB, eds. Book Title. Nth ed. (if later than 1st edition) Publisher; Year:page numbers. Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL

More than 6 editors

Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, Author DD, Author EE, Author FF. Title of chapter. In: Editor AA, Editor BB, Editor CC, et al, eds. Book Title. Nth ed. (if later than 1st edition) Publisher; Year:Page Numbers. Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL

  • List full page numbers, e.g. 127-139 (i.e. don't abbreviate page numbers e.g. 127-39)
Reference list  
  1. Allen, P. Patient preparation. In: Tear, M, ed. Small Animal Surgical Nursing: Skills and Concepts. 3rd ed. Mosby; 2017:57-85. Accessed June 26, 2024.
  2. Michaelsen, FK. Child growth. In: Koletzko B, Bhatia, J, Bhutta, ZA, et al, eds. Pediatric Nutrition in Practice. 2nd ed. Karger; 2015:1-5. Accessed June 26, 2024.
  3. Duryea EL, Schell RC. Anemia. In: Smith AB, ed. Queenan's Management of High‐Risk Pregnancy. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd; 2024:99-104. doi:10.1002/9781119636540.ch12
EndNote reference type

Book Section (or Electronic Book Section)

  • Add chapter authors to Author and book editors to Editor fields
  • Add book chapter title in the Title field and the book name in the Book Title field
  • Add specific page numbers to Pages
  • If there is no DOI, enter the URL in the URL field and the access date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024.

Electronic book

Elements of the citation

Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, Author DD, Author EE, Author FF. Book Title. Nth ed. (if later than 1st edition) Publisher; Year. DOI

No DOI available

Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, Author DD, Author EE, Author FF. Book Title. Nth ed. (if later than 1st edition) Publisher; Year. Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL

Reference list
  1. Vieira, AR. Genetic Basis of Oral Health Conditions. Springer; 2019. Accessed June 26, 2024.
  2. Tiwary BK. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology: A Primer for Biologists. Springer; 2022. doi:10.1007/978-981-16-4241-8
EndNote reference type

Book (or Electronic Book)

  • If there is no DOI, enter the URL in the URL field and the access date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024.

Book in a series

Elements of the citation

Author AA, Author BB, Author CC. Book Title. Nth ed. (if later than 1st edition) Publisher; Year. Series Title; volume or number. Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL

Reference list
  1. Haugabrooks E, ed. History of Food and Nutrition Toxicology. Academic Press; 2023. History of Toxicology and Environmental Health; vol 7. Accessed September 11, 2024.
EndNote reference type

Book (or Electronic Book)

  • Add book name to Title.
  • Series title & volume number have to be entered Series Title and Series Volume fields.
  • If there is no DOI, enter the URL in the URL field and the access date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024.
  • Leave DOI and URL fields blank for print books.

Artificial intelligence

Using AI in your assignments

UQ's AI Student Hub assists you in learning how to use artificial intelligence (AI) responsibly and effectively in your studies.

Confirm with your course coordinator or check your course profile before using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in your assessment. Some assessment pieces do not permit the use of AI tools, while others may allow AI with some limitations. 

Any permitted use of AI for assessment must be acknowledged appropriately. Your course profile will have guidance on how to acknowledge any permitted use of AI in your assessments, which might include:

  • an assignment coversheet 
  • citing or referencing in the text or list of references.

If you use AI in your assessment without permission or appropriate acknowledgment it may be considered Academic Misconduct.

Risks with using AI tools

AI models sometimes produce incorrect, biased or outdated information. Verify the accuracy of AI-generated content using reliable sources before including it in your work.

Additionally, there may be legal or ethical issues to consider when using AI. Works created by non-humans are not eligible for copyright protection under Australian law. If you intend to publish work incorporating AI-generated content, check the publisher guidelines about what is allowed.

When interacting with AI models, you should be cautious about supplying sensitive information, including personal, confidential or propriety information or data.

 Find out more about AI and the University of Queensland.

Cite or reference AI in assessments

Where an assignment requires the use of AI tools to be cited, you must reference all content from AI tools that you include. Failure to reference externally sourced, non-original work can result in Academic misconduct.

References should provide clear and accurate information for each source and should identify where they have been used in your work.

Content from AI tools is not always easy to share or replicate using the same prompt. If the AI tool provides a shareable link, you should use this when you acknowledge your use of AI.


The text of your document must include:

  • Type of communication
  • Communicator
  • Date in this format (Day Month Year)

In an online chat with OpenAI's ChatGPT AI language model (7 February 2023) ...

Acknowledge your use of AI

You should acknowledge that you used AI in submitted assessment, including where you have directly quoted or paraphrased AI-generated content or used tools to summarise readings, brainstorm ideas, plan your process, or for editing or proofreading purposes. It is recommended that you use an assignment coversheet to acknowledge your use of AI tools.

You should include the following information when acknowledging the use of AI tools:

  • AI tool (e.g. Copilot, Chat-GPT, Claude, Google AI)
  • description of how you used the tool (e.g. edited/corrected/translated/planned/brainstormed)
  • prompt(s) used
  • part, section or page of the assessment piece
  • date.

Machine Translation for assignments provides more detailed guidance for acknowledging the use of translation tools.

Example coversheet

This coversheet is an example of good practice in acknowledging the use of AI tools. Courses across UQ may have specific guidance you should follow on how to acknowledge the use of AI.


Yes. AI and/or machine translation tools have been used to generate material in this document.

Details of use

Tool Use Prompt(s) Section Date
ChatGPT 4o Initial idea generation that I adapted Brainstorm ideas around how sustainable development goals can be applied locally Framework on p 18 25 October 2024
Claude 3.5 Generating a draft conclusion that I adapted Provide a summary of Chapters 3, 4, and 5 Conclusions (p 30, 31)   25 October 2024
Grammarly EDU  Used to check spelling and grammar and edit my final document Enhance my text to improve clarity and expression Entire work 8 November 2024
Microsoft Copilot Used to modify the written tone/style of the introduction Rewrite this paragraph so that the tone is appropriate for a university assignment   Introduction (p 2) 8 November 2024

Cite AI for publication

Different publishers are taking different approaches to whether AI is allowed. If you are writing for publication, you should check the publisher's information for authors.

 Find out more about publishing and AI.

Specialised health resources

Specialised health resources

Elements of the reference

Author AA, Author BB. Title of page. Title of Database/Website. Month DD, YYYY. (date published if available) Updated Month DD, YYYY. (date updated if available) Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL

  • These resources can just be treated as webpages which are part of a website.
  • If there are no authors listed, it's often reasonable to attribute authorship to the website itself.  
  • If the page has been authored by an organisation, and the name of the organisation and the title of the web site are the same, the author can be omitted from the front of the reference.
Reference list
  1. Upadacitinib. Australian Medicines Handbook. Updated January, 2024. Accessed June 28, 2024.
  2. Myrrh tincture. British Pharmacopoeia. 2024. Accessed June 28, 2024.
  3. Polymorphic light eruption. Therapeutic Guidelines. August, 2022. Accessed June 28, 2024.
  4. Means RT, Brodsky RA. Diagnostic approach to anemia in adults. UpToDate. Updated April 2, 2024. Accessed June 28, 2024.
  5. Supirocin. MIMS Online. Updated June 1, 2024. Accessed June 28, 2024.
EndNote reference type

Online Database

  • Add database entry title in the Title field.
  • Enter the title of the database in the Name of Database field, e.g. UpToDate
  • Add the update date to Date Published, e.g. August, 2022. If there is also a date published available, add this to the Year field with whatever information is available, e.g. 2019, or May 7, 2019
  • Enter the URL in the URL field and the accessed date in the Date Accessed field, e.g. September 11, 2024.

Web Page

Alternatively these resources can just be treated as webpages using the Web Page reference type

  • Enter the title of the database in the Place Published field.
  • Add the date published to the Year field. Include the month and day (Month DD) in this field if known, e.g May 16, 2020, or May, 2020.
  • Add the date updated (Month DD, YYYY) to the Last Update Date field.
  • Enter the URL in the URL field and the access date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024 (ignore the Access Year field).

Cochrane reviews

Elements of the reference

Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, Author DD, Author EE, Author FF. Title of article. Journal Abbreviation. Year;volume(issue):pp-pp. DOI

  • Cochrane reviews are articles published in the journal Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and can be treated as journal articles. They have article numbers rather than page numbers.
  • Citation information such as the issue can be found by clicking 'cite this review' on the Cochrane Library, or by viewing the article in another database such as PubMed
Reference list
  1. Claire R, Chamberlain C, Davey MA, Cooper SE, Berlin I, Leonardi‐Bee J, Coleman T. Pharmacological interventions for promoting smoking cessation during pregnancy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2020;(3):CD010078. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD010078.pub3
EndNote reference type

Journal Article (or Electronic Article)

Journal articles

Journal abbreviations

The titles of journals must be abbreviated according to the style used in the the National Library of Medicine's (NLM) catalogue:

If you cannot find a particular journal title in the NLM catalog: Journals referenced in the NCBI databases try:

EndNote: Journal title abbreviations

To show abbreviated journal titles in your EndNote Vancouver reference list you need to download the Journals Terms List.

Journal article - one to six authors

Elements of the citation

Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, Author DD, Author EE, Author FF. Title of article. Journal Abbreviation. Year;volume(issue):pp-pp. DOI

No DOI available: 

Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, Author DD, Author EE, Author FF. Title of article. Journal Abbreviation. Year;volume(issue):pp-pp. Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL

Reference list
  1. Skalsky K, Yahav D, Bishara J, Pitlik S, Leibovici L, Paul M. Treatment of human brucellosis: systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMJ. 2008;336(7646):701-704. doi:10.1136/bmj.39497.500903.25
  2. Snowdon J. Severe depression in old age. Med Today. 2002;3(12):40‐47. Accessed June 27, 2024.
  3. McInnes D, Bollen J. Learning on the job: metaphors of choreography and the practice of sex in sex‐on‐premises venues. Venereology. 2000;13(1):27‐36. Accessed June 27, 2024.
In-text reference

Not using authors' names:

...a strong correlation has been found.1

Using authors' names:

  • 1 author: Snowdon's research ...2
  • For 2 authors use 'and': McInnes and Bollen3 suggest that...
  • For 3 or more authors use the first author and 'et al': Skalsky et alreport that...
EndNote reference type

Journal Article (or Electronic Article)

  • If there is no DOI, enter the URL in the URL field and the access date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024.
  • Leave DOI and URL fields blank for print items.

Journal article - more than six authors

Elements of the citation

Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, et al. Title of article. Journal Abbreviation. Year;volume(issue):pp-pp. DOI

No DOI available

Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, et al. Title of article. Journal Abbreviation. Year;volume(issue):pp-pp. Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL

Reference list
  1. Hanna JN, McBride WJ, Brookes DL, et al. Hendra virus infection in a veterinarian. Med J Aust. 2006;185(10):562‐564. doi:10.5694/j.1326-5377.2006.tb00692.x
In-text reference

Not using authors' names:

...a strong correlation has been found.4

Using authors' names:

For 3 or more authors use the first author and 'et al': Hanna et alreport that...

EndNote reference type

Journal Article (or Electronic Article)

  • If there is no DOI, enter the URL in the URL field and the access date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024.
  • Leave DOI and URL fields blank for print items.

Journal article - no author

Elements of the citation

Title of article. Journal Abbreviation. Year;volume(issue):pp-pp. DOI

Reference list
  1. ESPGHAN 55th Annual Meeting Abstracts. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2023;76(suppl 1):1-1407. doi:10.1097/MPG.0000000000003823
In-text reference New accreditation has...8
EndNote reference type

Journal Article (or Electronic Article)

  • If there is no DOI, enter the URL in the URL field and the access date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024.
  • Leave DOI and URL fields blank for print items.

Journal article - online ahead of print

Elements of the citation

Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, Author DD, Author EE, Author FF. Title of article. Journal Abbreviation. Accepted manuscript. Published online Month DD, YYYY. DOI

  • Some journals will make articles available online before they are assigned to an official issue of the journal and given a volume, issue and page numbers. Such articles might be labelled 'online ahead of print', 'advance online publications', 'early access', 'epub before print', 'online first', 'in press' or similar wording.
Reference list
  1. Xie Y, Choi T, Al-Aly Z. Postacute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the pre-Delta, Delta, and Omicron eras. N Engl J Med. Accepted manuscript. Published online July 17, 2024. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa2403211
EndNote reference type

Journal Article (or Electronic Article)

  • Add online first date to Epub Date.
  • Leave Year and Pages fields empty.
  • If there is no DOI, enter the URL in the URL field and the access date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024.
  • Leave DOI and URL fields blank for print items.

Journal article - in supplement

Elements of the citation

Supplement to a volume

Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, Author DD, Author EE, Author FF. Title of article. Journal Abbreviation. Year;volume(supplement):pp-pp. DOI

Supplement to an issue

Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, Author DD, Author EE, Author FF. Title of article. Journal Abbreviation. Year;volume(issue)(supplement):pp-pp. DOI

Reference list
  1. Cunningham A, Kotagiri A. A long history of dense deposit disease. BMC Ophthalmol. 2018;18(suppl 1):228. doi:10.1186/s12886-018-0853-8
  2. Kleinman JT, Mlynash M, Zaharchuk G, et al. Yield of CT perfusion for the evaluation of transient ischaemic attack. Int J Stroke. 2015;10(suppl A100):25-29. doi:10.1111/j.1747-4949.2012.00941.x
  3. Filipek B, Yandamuri S, Obaid A et al. Phenotypes of B cells producing autoantibodies in MOGAD patients (N1.002). Neurology. 2024;122(17)(suppl 1):S6. doi:10.1212/WNL.0000000000208259
EndNote reference type

Journal Article (or Electronic Article)

  • Add supplement/part information to Part/Supplement field, e.g. suppl 1 or pt 5.
  • For a supplement to an issue (see example 5 above) add the issue to the Issue field.
  • If there is no DOI, enter the URL in the URL field and the access date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024.
  • Leave DOI and URL fields blank for print items.


Conference material published in journal

Elements of the citation

Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, Author DD, Author EE, Author FF. Title of material. Journal Abbreviation. Year;volume(issue):pp-pp. Detail about the conference may be placed here if desired. DOI

No DOI available: 

Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, Author DD, Author EE, Author FF. Title of article. Journal Abbreviation. Year;volume(issue):pp-pp. Detail about the conference may be placed here if desired. Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL

Reference list
  1. Li, L. P122 Relative deprivation and maternal health in China. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2023:77(Suppl 1):A108. doi:10.1136/jech-2023-SSMabstracts.224
  2. Baldwin JR, Sallis HM, Schoeler T, et al. Adverse childhood experiences and mental health: a genetically informed study. Behav Genet. 2021:51(6):691-692. Behavior Genetics Association 51st Annual Meeting abstracts. doi:10.1007/s10519-021-10087-3
EndNote reference type

Journal Article

  • Add detail about the conference in the Label field.
  • If there is no DOI, enter the URL in the URL field and the access date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024.
  • Leave DOI and URL fields blank for print items.

Conference material published in electronic book

Elements of the citation

1-6 editors

Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, Author DD, Author EE, Author FF. Title of material. In: Editor AA, Editor BB, eds. Book Title. Nth ed. (if later than 1st edition) Publisher; Year:page numbers. DOI

More than 6 editors

Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, Author DD, Author EE, Author FF. Title of material. In: Editor AA, Editor BB, Editor CC, et al, eds. Book Title. Nth ed. (if later than 1st edition) Publisher; Year:Page Numbers. DOI

No DOI available

1-6 editors

Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, Author DD, Author EE, Author FF. Title of material. In: Editor AA, Editor BB, eds. Book Title. Nth ed. (if later than 1st edition) Publisher; Year:page numbers. Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL

More than 6 editors

Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, Author DD, Author EE, Author FF. Title of material. In: Editor AA, Editor BB, Editor CC, et al, eds. Book Title. Nth ed. (if later than 1st edition) Publisher; Year:Page Numbers. Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL

  • List full page numbers, e.g. 127-139 (i.e. don't abbreviate page numbers e.g. 127-39)
Reference list
  1. Sahu B, Rout SK, Ravindra JVR, Mohanty SN. Multi-filter enhanced doctor and patient optimization algorithm for cancer diagnosis. In: Jain S, Groppe S, Mihindukulasooriya N, eds. Proceedings of the International Health Informatics Conference: IHIC 2022. Springer; 2023:69-78. Accessed July 2, 2024.
EndNote reference type

Conference Proceedings (or the Book Section or Electronic Book Section reference types may be used)

  • Add the conference title (or book title) to Proceeding Titles and editor information to the Editors field.
  • Publication year needs to be added to the Year of Conference field, add a Month DD date in the Date field to be more specific.
  • If there is no DOI, enter the URL in the URL field and the access date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024.
  • Leave DOI and URL fields blank for print items.

Conference materials - unpublished

Elements of the citation

Author AA, Author BB. Title of material. Type of presentation presented at: Name of the Conference; Month DD, YYYY (date of conference); City, Country or State. Accessed Month DD, YYYY. Material available at: URL

  • This format is for conference materials that are unpublished or only available from the conference website. If the conference materials you are referencing are published in a book or in a journal you should reference them in the book or journal format.
Reference list
  1. Bowden FJ, Fairley CK. Endemic STDs in the Northern Territory: estimations of effective rates of partner exchange. Paper presented at: The Scientific Meeting of the Royal Australian College of Physicians; June 24‐25, 1996; Darwin, Australia.
  2. Maddox S, Hurling J, Stewart E, Edwards A. If mama ain't happy, nobody's happy: the effect of parental depression on mood dysregulation in children. Paper presented at: Southeastern Psychological Association 62nd Annual Meeting; March 30-April 2, 2016; New Orleans, United States.

  3. Pearson J. Fat talk and its effects on state-based body image in women. Poster presented at: Australian Psychological Society Congress; September 21-30, 2018; Sydney, Australia.

  4. Baydorova I, Collins H, Ait Saadi, I. Matching student and supervisor expectations in Malaysian doctoral education. Paper presented at: Australian Association for Research in Education Conference; November 26-30, 2017; Canberra, Australia. Accessed October 16, 2024. Material available at:

  5. Webster B. Impact of digital innovation on new products, processes and competition. Paper presented at: ABS & RBA Joint Conference on the Economic Implications of the Digital Economy; March 9-10, 2022; Sydney, Australia. Accessed July 1, 2024. Material available at: 

EndNote reference type

Unpublished Work

  • Enter the type of unpublished work (e.g. Oral presentation, Poster, Paper etc.) in the Type of Work field. 
  • Add the conference name to the Label field, e.g. The Scientific Meeting of the Royal Australian College of Physicians.
  • Add month and day (Month DD) to Date and year to Year.
  • Add the name of the location in the Place Published field, e.g. Darwin, Australia
  • For online materials add the URL to the URL field and the access date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024.

Conference Paper

For conference papers the conference paper reference type can also be used, as some references might import in this format

  • Add the year of the conference in the Year field, and the date in the Date field
  • Other fields should be self-explanatory

News and blog posts

Referencing news articles

Use this format for:

  • outlets clearly involved in the production of news (such as The Guardian or the Hindustan Times)
  • websites that produce a regularly updated feed of articles. This includes online magazines and blogs.

Articles found on the web that don't appear to be part of a regular feed should be referenced as webpages.

News articles (or magazine or blog articles) can be useful to reference to describe current events, or to illustrate societal trends or viewpoints. For general information though you should consider whether it would be more appropriate for you to reference a more scholarly source such as journal articles or scholarly books. 

News article online

Elements of the citation Author AA, Author BB. Title of article. Name of News Outlet. Month day, year. Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL
Reference list
  1. Passmore D. Tunnel to nowhere: why Brisbane motorists avoid the Clem7. The Courier Mail. September 28, 2014. Accessed July 2, 2024.
  2. Weiland N. As Medicaid shrinks, clinics for the poor are trying to survive. The New York Times. February 24, 2024. Accessed July 2, 2024.
  3. Japan’s mind-bending bento-box economics. The Economist. July 1, 2024. Accessed July 2, 2024.
EndNote reference type

Newspaper Article

  • Add month and day (Month DD) to Issue Date, and year (YYYY) to the Year fields.
  • The Pages field can stay empty unless there are page numbers, for example in a PDF.
  • Enter the URL in the URL field and the access date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024.

News article in print

Elements of the citation

Author AA, Author BB. Title of article. Name of News Outlet. Month DD, year:pp-pp.

Reference list
  1. Purdon F. Colder babies at risk of SIDS. The Courier Mail. March 8, 2010:9.
  2. Wooton, H. Infectious new wave of subvariants sparks fear of New Year hangover: COVID-19. The Australian Financial Review. December 28, 2023:2.
EndNote reference type

Newspaper article

  • Add month and day (Month DD) to Issue Date, and year (YYYY) to the Year fields.
  • Add page numbers to Pages.
  • Enter the URL in the URL field and the access date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024.

Newspaper article online without author

Elements of the citation

Title of article. Name of News Outlet. Month day, year. Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL

  • If there are no authors listed, omit this from the front of the reference 
Reference list
  1. Can we predict how fast cognitive decline will occur with early Alzheimer's? ScienceDaily. July 10, 2024. Accessed July 17, 2024.
EndNote reference type

Newspaper Article

  • Add month and day (Month DD) to Issue Date, and year (YYYY) to the Year fields.
  • Add page numbers to Pages if known.
  • Leave Author field blank.
  • Enter the URL in the URL field and the access date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024.

Magazine article online

Elements of the citation Author AA, Author BB. Title of article. Name of News Outlet. Month day, year. Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL
Reference list
  1. Medaris A. Could ADHD actually be a superpower for some athletes?. Women's Health. June 25, 2024. Accessed July 17, 2024.
EndNote reference type

Magazine Article

  • Add month and day (Month DD) to Date, and year (YYYY) to the Year fields.
  • Add page numbers to Pages.
  • Enter the URL in the URL field and the access date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024.

Blog post

Elements of the citation Author AA, Author BB. Title of post. Name of Blog blog. Month day, year. Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL
Reference list
  1. Kerego EN. Lack of children’s hospitals: challenge in delivering comprehensive care for children in LMICs. BMJ Global Health blog. April 25, 2024. Accessed September 9, 2024.
  2. Lakeshore Foundation. The built environment: ensuring accessibility for clients with disabilities. ACE Insights blog. August 22, 2024. Accessed September 9, 2024.
EndNote reference type


  • Add month and day (Month DD) to Date, and year (YYYY) to the Year fields.
  • Enter the URL in the URL field and the date the item was last accessed n the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024. The word "Accessed" will print automatically before the date.


Referencing reports

It can be difficult to tell whether any given document should be considered a 'report'. Use this format for documents which are more formal in nature and which aim to summarise information on a particular issue, event or problem. If the document doesn't seem to fit those criteria, use Other items on the Web. The two formats are very similar so there will be very little difference (if any) between the reference produced.

Report online

Elements of the citation

Author AA, Author BB. Title of report or document. Name of Organisation. Report number. (if available) Series number. (if available) Month DD, YYYY. (date published if available) Updated Month DD, YYYY. (date updated if available) Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL

  • If the report has been authored by an organisation, the author can be omitted from the front of the reference
  • Where it might help your reader to identify the organisation, provide more detail using commas e.g. Productivity Commission, Australian Government; or Central Bureau of Statistics, Government of Nepal.
Reference list
  1. Australian respiratory surveillance report: viral respiratory diseases epidemiology and surveillance section.  Australian Centre for Disease Control. Report 6. June 21, 2024. Accessed June 28, 2024.
  2. Oral health and dental care in Australia: key facts and figures trends 2014. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Cat. no. DEN 228. August 18, 2014. Accessed June 28, 2024.
  3. Meyers J, Langston A, Devereux D, Lin, B. Mapping land surface temperatures and heat-health vulnerability in Darwin. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. October 22, 2020. Accessed June 28, 2024.
  4. Report on government services 2020: part E health. Productivity Commission, Australian Government. January 31, 2020. Accessed June 28, 2024.
  5. Overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health status, 2023. Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet. 2024. Accessed June 28, 2024.
EndNote reference type

Government Document or Report

  • Add name of the organisation to Government Body (Government Document template) or Department/Division (Report template).
  • Add report or document numbers to Report Number (if there is a series number, add it after the report/document number).
  • Enter month and day (Month DD) to Date, and year (YYYY) to the Year fields.
  • Enter the URL in the URL field and the access date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024.


Report in print

Elements of the citation

Author AA, Author BB. Title of report or document. Name of Organisation. Report number. (if available) Series number. (if available) Month DD, YYYY. (date published if available)

Reference list
  1. Beaver C, Zhao Y. Investment analysis of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary health care program in the Northern Territory. Commissioned by the Commonwealth of Australia. Consultant report no. 2. 2004.
EndNote reference type

Government Document or Report

  • Add name of the organisation to Government Body (Government Document template) or Department/Division (Report template).
  • Add report or document numbers to Report Number (if there is a series number, add it after the report/document number).
  • Enter month and day (Month DD) to Date, and year (YYYY) to the Year fields.
  • Leave DOI and URL fields blank 

Theses or dissertations

Thesis - online

Elements of the citation Author AA. Thesis Title. Thesis type. Institution; Year. Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL
Reference list
  1. Kamundi EK. Assessment of Menstrual Health and Hygiene Interventions in Rural Kenya. Master of Philosophy thesis. The University of Queensland; 2024. Accessed September 11, 2024.
  2. Wang H. Enhancing Automated Diagnostics in Critical Care Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence with Heterogeneous Health Data. PhD dissertation. Northwestern University; 2024. Accessed September 11, 2024.
EndNote reference type


  • Add the full thesis type followed by 'thesis' or 'dissertation' (check title page for correct term) to Thesis Type
  • If there is no DOI, enter the URL in the URL field and the access date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024.

Thesis - print

Elements of the citation Author AA. Thesis Title. Thesis type. Institution; Year.
Reference list
  1. Fenner C. Positive Psychology Intervention via Telehealth for Young People with Acquired Brain Injury: A Feasibility Study. Professional Doctorate thesis. The University of Queensland; 2022.
  2. Tabrizi JF. Quality of Health Care: The Patients' Perspective on Quality of Care for Type 2 Diabetes. PhD thesis. The University of Queensland; 2007.
EndNote reference type


  • Add the full thesis type followed by 'thesis' or 'dissertation' (check title page for correct term) to Thesis Type
  • Leave DOI and URL fields blank 



Elements of the citation Author AA, Author BB. Title of page. Title of Website. Month DD, YYYY. (date published if available) Updated Month DD, YYYY. (date updated if available) Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL
  • If there are no authors listed, it's often reasonable to attribute authorship to the organisation responsible for the website.  
  • If the page or object has been authored by an organisation, and the name of the organisation and the title of the web site are the same, the author can be omitted from the front of the reference
Reference list
  1. Pharmacy ownership in Queensland. Queensland Health. Updated May 1, 2024. Accessed June 27, 2024.
  2. Department of Health, State Government of Victoria. Anaphylaxis. Better Health Channel. Updated September 25, 2023. Accessed February 9, 2024.
  3. Food allergy or intolerance? Allergy and Anaphylaxis Australia. Updated January 2017. Accessed August 31, 2020.
  4. Semaglutide. DrugBank Online. December 6, 2017. Updated April 12, 2024. Accessed June 27, 2024.
  5. Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS). Johns Hopkins Medicine. Accessed September 24, 2023.
EndNote reference type

Web Page

  • Enter the title of the website in the Place Published field.
  • Add the date published to the Year field. Include the month and day (Month DD) in this field if known, e.g May 16, 2020, or May, 2020.
  • Add the date updated (Month DD, YYYY) to the Last Update Date field.
  • Enter the URL in the URL field and the access date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024 (ignore the Access Year field).

Other internet sources

YouTube video

Elements of the citation Author AA, Author BB. Title of video. Title of Website. Month DD, YYYY. (date published) Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL
Reference list
  1. University of California Television. Ketogenesis and fasting: Fuel for the brain. YouTube. August 15, 2020. Accessed June 27, 2024.
EndNote reference type

Web Page

  • Enter 'YouTube' as the title of the website in the Place Published field.
  • Add the date published to the Year field. Include the month and day (Month DD) in this field if known, e.g May 16, 2020, or May, 2020.
  • Add the date updated (Month DD, YYYY) to the Last Update Date field.
  • Enter the URL in the URL field and the access date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024 (ignore the Access Year field).

X post

Elements of the citation

Author. Text of the post. Month DD, YYYY. (date published) Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL

  • Social media posts can be useful to reference to describe current events, or to illustrate societal trends or viewpoints. For general information though you should consider whether it would be more appropriate for you to reference a more scholarly source such as journal articles or scholarly books. 
  • Use the handle of the X account as the author
  • As posts will not have a title, the full text of the post may be used. Alternatively the first sentence may be used in the interests of brevity
Reference list
  1. @APA. September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Not everyone shows the same signs that they’re thinking about suicide, but if you or a loved one are experiencing these behaviors or feelings, help is available. Learn more: #suicideprevention #988lifeline. September 2, 2024. Accessed September 9, 2024.
  2. @VicGovDH. Nurse-on-Call (1300 60 60 24) is a free helpline that connects you with a registered nurse 24/7. September 5, 2024. Accessed September 9, 2024.
In-text reference

...and the suicide prevention program was promoted by the American Psychological Association.1

The Victorian Department of Health recently posted about such services on its X account.2

EndNote reference type

Social Media

  • Enter the username/handle with @ in the Username field.
  • Copy the text of the post in the Full Post Text field.
  • Add the full date (Month DD, YYYY) to Post Date.
  • Enter the URL in the URL field and the access date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024.

Facebook post

Elements of the citation

Author. Text of the post. Month DD, YYYY. (date published) Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL

  • Social media posts can be useful to reference to describe current events, or to illustrate societal trends or viewpoints. For general information though you should consider whether it would be more appropriate for you to reference a more scholarly source such as journal articles or scholarly books. 
  • Use the official name of the Facebook page as the author
  • As posts will not have a title, the full text of the post may be used. Alternatively the first sentence may be used in the interests of brevity
Reference list
  1. Dr Joseph Mercola Facebook page. Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are everywhere, from cell phones to Wi-Fi, but could they be impacting your health? Research suggests long-term exposure may be linked to serious health risks. September 9, 2024. Accessed September 9, 2024.
In-text reference

...information can spread via social media posts from alternative health influencers.1

EndNote reference type

Social Media

  • Enter the name of the Facebook page in the Username field, e.g. Dr Joseph Mercola Facebook page
  • Copy the text of the post in the Full Post Text field. If the post is too long, add the first sentence.
  • Add the full date (Month DD, YYYY) to Post Date.
  • Enter the URL in the URL field and the access date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024.


Elements of the citation Host AA, Host BB. Title of Podcast. Title of episode. Month DD, YYYY. (date published if available) Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL
Reference list
  1. Qadar S. All in the Mind. Stigma, shame and schizophrenia. April 28, 2024. Accessed June 27, 2024.
EndNote reference type


  • Add title of the podcast to the Title of Podcast field and the title of the episode to Title of Show field.
  • Enter month and day (Month DD) to Date, and year (YYYY) to the Year fields.
  • Enter the URL in the URL field and the access date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024.

Other items on the web

Elements of the citation Author AA, Author BB. Title of item. Title of Website. Month DD, YYYY. (date published if available) Updated Month DD, YYYY. (date updated if available) Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL
  • Use this format for items found on the Web which do not fit into another category in this guide 
  • If there are no authors listed, it's often reasonable to attribute authorship to the organisation responsible for the item.  
  • If the item has been authored by an organisation, and the name of the organisation and the title of the web site are the same, the author can be omitted from the front of the reference
Reference list
  1. Hospital stay guidelines, a guide for hospital staff. Western Australian Department of Health. 2023. Accessed September 20, 2024.
  2. Speech pathology management plan. ReturnToWorkSA. 2018. Updated June, 2018. Accessed September 20, 2024.
EndNote reference type

Web Page

  • Enter the title of the website in the Place Published field.
  • Add the date published to the Year field. Include the month and day (Month DD) in this field if known, e.g May 16, 2020, or May, 2020.
  • Add the date updated (Month DD, YYYY) to the Last Update Date field.
  • Enter the URL in the URL field and the access date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024 (ignore the Access Year field).

Blog post

Elements of the citation Author AA, Author BB. Title of post. Name of Blog blog. Month day, year. Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL
Reference list
  1. Kerego EN. Lack of children’s hospitals: challenge in delivering comprehensive care for children in LMICs. BMJ Global Health blog. April 25, 2024. Accessed September 9, 2024.
  2. Lakeshore Foundation. The built environment: ensuring accessibility for clients with disabilities. ACE Insights blog. August 22, 2024. Accessed September 9, 2024.
EndNote reference type


  • Add month and day (Month DD) to Date, and year (YYYY) to the Year fields.
  • Enter the URL in the URL field and the date the item was last accessed n the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024. The word "Accessed" will print automatically before the date.

Pamphlets, brochures and package inserts

Referencing pamphlets, brochures or package inserts

Use these formats for physical items. If you have found a pamphlet, brochure, insert or similar material online, reference it as Other items on the web.

Pamphlet or brochure

Elements of the citation Title of brochure/pamphlet. Description of material. Manufacturer/Publisher; YYYY.
Reference list
  1. Medicines and driving. Pamphlet. Pharmaceutical Society of Australia; 2024.
EndNote reference type


  • Add description of the material (e.g. pamphlet, brochure) to Type of Work field. 
  • If cited as an "Other item on the Web", add the description of the material to the Title field.


Package insert

Elements of the citation

Name of product. Description of material. Manufacturer/Publisher; YYYY. 

  • Note: Package inserts are the printed material about the use and effects of the product contained in the package.
Reference list
  1. Lamasil. Package insert. Sandoz Pharmaceuticals Corp; 2022.
EndNote reference type


  • Add description of the material (e.g. package insert) to Type of Work field.
  • If cited as an "Other item on the Web", add the description of the material to the Title field.


Lecture materials

Lecture materials

Elements of the citation

Author AA, Author BB. Title of item. Detail about the lecture materials. Title of Website. Month DD, YYYY. (date published) Updated Month DD, YYYY. (date updated if available) Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL

  • You should check whether it is appropriate for you to reference lecture materials, as some lecturers don't permit this
Reference list
  1. Smith A. Week three: searching for evidence. NURS7132 lecture notes. Learn.UQ. January, 2024. Accessed July 11, 2024.
EndNote reference type

Web Page

  • Enter detail about the lecture materials to the Description field, e.g. NURS7132 lecture notes
  • Enter the title of the website's name in the Place Published, e.g. Learn.UQ
  • Add the date published to the Year field. Include the month and day (Month DD) in this field if known, e.g May 16, 2020, or May, 2020.
  • Add the date updated (Month DD, YYYY) to the Last Update Date field.
  • Enter the URL in the URL field and the access date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024 (ignore the Access Year field).

Audiovisual material

Video - online

Elements of the citation

Author AA, Author BB, Author CC. Video Title. Publisher; Month DD, YYYY. (date published if available)Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL

  • YouTube videos are referenced differently, see the YouTube video section of this guide
  • The host or director may be given as the author
  • If there is no author, omit this from the front of the reference
  • The publisher is the organisation responsible for producing the content. If that is not available the distributor (or platform/website) may be used instead
Reference list
  1. Sung J. Is There a Monkeypox Vaccine or Treatment? Washington Post; August 6, 2022. Accessed September 9, 2024.
  2. Better Understanding The Veterinary Client. Animal Care Technologies; 2007. Accessed September 9, 2024.
  3. Utigaard A. Person-Centered Child Therapy: With Anin Utigaard.; 2007. Accessed September 9, 2024.
  4. Speed M. Is Ultra-processed Food Really That Bad? Financial Times; December 20, 2023. Accessed September 9, 2024.
  5. Schnabel J. The Diving Bell and The Butterfly. Edu TV; 2007. Accessed September 10, 2024.
EndNote reference type

Audiovisual Material

  • Enter title of the video in the Series Title field.
  • Add the publisher (or platform/website) to the Publisher field.
  • Add month and day (Month DD) if known to the Date field, and year to the Year field.
  • Enter the URL in the URL field and the access date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024.

Video - one episode of a program

Elements of the citation

Author AA, Author BB. Title of episode. Name of Program. Month DD, YYYY. (date published if available). Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL

  • The host or director may be given as the author
  • If there is no author, omit this from the front of the reference
  • The publisher is the organisation responsible for producing the content. If that is not available the distributor (or platform) may be used instead
Reference list
  1. Tobin G. When IVF goes wrong. Four Corners. 2024. Accessed September 10, 2024.
EndNote reference type

Audiovisual Material

  • Add the title of the episode to Title.
  • Enter name of the program in the Series Title field.
  • Add month and day (Month DD) if known to the Date field, and year to the Year field.
  • Enter the URL in the URL field and the accessed date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024.

YouTube video

Elements of the citation Author AA, Author BB. Title of video. Title of Website. Month DD, YYYY. (date published) Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL
Reference list
  1. University of California Television. Ketogenesis and fasting: Fuel for the brain. YouTube. August 15, 2020. Accessed June 27, 2024.
EndNote reference type

Web Page

  • Enter 'YouTube' as the title of the website in the Place Published field.
  • Add the date published to the Year field. Include the month and day (Month DD) in this field if known, e.g May 16, 2020, or May, 2020.
  • Add the date updated (Month DD, YYYY) to the Last Update Date field.
  • Enter the URL in the URL field and the access date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024 (ignore the Access Year field).

Video - physical

Elements of the citation

Author AA, Author BB, Author CC. Video Title. Physical format. Publisher; Month DD, YYYY. (date published).

  • The host or director may be given as the author
  • If there is no author, omit this from the front of the reference
  • The publisher is the organisation responsible for producing the content. If that is not available the distributor (or platform) may be used instead
Reference list
  1. Williams S. Enhancing Communicative Success Following Stroke: A Multimedia Problem Based Learning Package. DVD. Southern Health; 2011.
EndNote reference type

Audiovisual Material

  • Enter title of the video in the Series Title field.
  • Add the physical format into the Type field.
  • Add publisher in the Publisher field.
  • Add month and day (Month DD) if known to the Date field, and year to the Year field.

Personal communication

About personal communication

Personal communications should be cited in the text of your work and not included in the list of references. It is recommended you get permission from the source/author of your personal communication. If you are submitting your work for publication, documentation should be provided to support personal communication, and oral communication should be supported in writing. 

In the text of your work, include:

  • Date of communication​. Use the format: Month DD, YYYY
  • ​Type of communication e.g. letter, email, phone conversation etc.
  • ​Provide the person's highest academic degree(s). If the person's affiliation would help establish credibility or authority, that may be included too.


According to a letter in August 2015 from I. Jones, (MD, Assoc. Prof., Dept of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh)...

In a conversation with A. B. Smith, PhD (April 17 2022)...

Similar clinical experiences have been noted by X. Y. Zed, BAppSc(Physio) (email, August 30, 2023).

According to a representative of the manufacturer (H. R. Smith, PhD, GlaxoSmithKline, phone conversation, May 1, 2015)...

Legal material

Referencing legal material

The AMA Manual of Style provides detailed guidance for United States legal materials, but not for other countries such as Australia. We recommend you format legal materials such as cases and legislation according to the standard Australian legal style, the Australian Guide to Legal Citation (AGLC).

Visit our ACLG guide for more detail, including Cases, and Legislative Materials.

Tables, figures, images and appendices

Tables, figures, appendices or supplements

Elements of the citation

Title of item. Descriptive information: Full citation for the book or journal article

  • Use this format for a table/figure/appendix/supplement or other component from a book or journal article. For an image from a website see below.
  • Generally, permission from the copyright holder (frequently the publisher) is required to reproduce a component from a book or journal article. Permission is not required for reproduction in university assignments however.
  • When citing an idea AND a table/figure/other component from the same source, cite the journal article/book as one reference, and then the table/figure/other component with a different number in the reference list.
  • Journal articles/books/other sources frequently contain tables/figures/other components reproduced with permission from another source - in this case cite the table/figure/other component from the original source.
Reference list
  1. Radiographs show complete luxation of the elbow in a dog. Figure 11.4 reproduced from: Prasad AH, Pal A, Kinjavdekar P, Pawde AM. Textbook of Veterinary Orthopaedic Surgery. Springer; 2023. Accessed July 23, 2024.
  2. Magnetic resonance imaging and histologic evaluation show the characteristics of Kikuchi–Fujimoto disease. Figure 1 from: Li M, Hsu J-Y, Xie Y-X, Wu Y-L, Wei J-C. Ankylosing spondylitis with Kikuchi–Fujimoto disease: a case report with literature review. Int J Rheum Dis. 2023;26:383-385. doi:10.1111/1756-185X.14486
  3. Study eligibility criteria: populations, interventions, comparators, outcomes, timing and settings for the review of reviews (PICOTS). Table 1 reproduced from: Gartlehner G, Wagner G, Matyas N, et al. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for major depressive disorder: review of systematic reviews. BMJ Open. 2017;7(6):e014912. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014912
  4. Five steps of Goldratt's optimized production theory. Table 22.1 from: Duffy CC, Lane-Fall MB. An overview of common improvement methodologies and their background. In: Carol J. Peden CJ, Fleisher LA, Englesbe M, eds. Perioperative Quality Improvement. Elsevier; 2023:126-130. Accessed July 23, 2024.
  5. Quality assessment tables. Supplementary data file from: Alisamir M, Ebrahimi M, Rahim F. Anemia in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a systematic review. Respir Investig. 2022;60(4):510–21. doi:10.1016/j.resinv.2022.03.006

In-text reference

Referring to a table/figure/other component

...can be clearly seen in radiographs presented by Prasad et al.1

Data from Gartlehner et al3 clearly shows that...

Reproducing a table

Use a footnote to acknowledge credit for reproduction of a table, e.g.:

Table: Characteristics of Included Studiesa  
Study Data point

Study 1

Study 2

Study 3




aReproduced with permission from Duffy and Lane-Fall4  

Reproducing a figure

Acknowledge the original source in the legend/caption of the figure, e.g.:

Reproduced with permission from Springer.1

EndNote reference type

Supported EndNote templates: Journal Article, Electronic Article, Book, Edited Book, Electronic Book, Government Document, Report, Conference Paper, Thesis

  • Add the figure/table/graph name and details to the Caption field as per above format, e.g. "Magnetic resonance imaging and histologic evaluation show the characteristics of Kikuchi–Fujimoto disease. Figure 1". The word "from:" will appear automatically after the text in the reference if this field is active and doesn't need to written into the caption field.


Elements of the citation

Author AA, Author BB. Title of image. Descriptive information. Title of Website. Published Month DD, YYYY. Updated Month DD, YYYY. Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL

  • Use this format for images found on a website.
  • If there is a credit for the image, use this as your author.  If there is no credit for the image, use the authors of the website if you believe they are responsible for the image. If you are not sure who is responsible for the image, omit the authors and begin with the title of the image.
  • If the "authors" of the site and the name of the site are identical, treat the page as if it has no author and begin with the title of the image.
  • If the image does not have a title, give a description of the image (e.g. Photograph of a boy holding a fish).
  • Images will generally not be updated. Omit the published and updated dates if they're not available.
  • When citing an idea AND an image from the same webpage, cite the webpage as one reference, and then the image with a different number in the reference list.
Reference list
  1. Brain arteries. Image. Servier Medical Art. Accessed July 24, 2024.
  2. Intravenous injectable hafnium oxide nanocrystal with enhanced radiotherapy efficacy for cancer theranostic. Image. Visuals Online. Published November 15, 2023. Accessed July 24, 2024.
  3. Photograph of kinesiotape on a man's shoulders. Image. Petersen Physical Therapy. Accessed July 24, 2024.

In-text reference

Referring to an image

...can be clearly seen in an image presented by Petersen Physical Therapy.3

Reproducing an image

Acknowledge the original source in the legend/caption of the image e.g.:

Image reproduced from Visuals Online.2

EndNote reference type

Web Page

  • Add image name or descriptive caption of the image to Title field.
  • Add the word "Image" to the Description field.
  • Enter the title of the website in the Place Published field.
  • Enter the URL in the URL field and the access date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024 (ignore the Access Year field). 



Elements of the citation

Author AA, Author BB. Data from: Title of dataset. Title of Website. Deposited Month DD, YYYY. (date published if available) DOI

No DOI available

Author AA, Author BB. Data from: Title of dataset. Title of Website. Deposited Month DD, YYYY. (date published if available) Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL

Reference list
  1. Dordevic A. Data from: Inflammatory responses to meals with varying levels of anti-inflammatory potential: a randomised control pilot study in adults above a healthy weight. Australian Research Data Commons. Deposited 2023. Accessed October 15, 2024.
  2. Dignam J. Data from: Early within therapy naming probes as a clinically-feasible predictor of anomia treatment response. UQ eSpace. Deposited 2023. doi:10.48610/1ae3b01
  3. Francuzik W. Data from: Skin microbiome in atopic dermatitis: 16S gene sequence data. figshare. Deposited 2016. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.4028943
  4. Boucher C, Nguyen TS, Silar P. Data from: Podospora anserina strain X chromosome 4 region between Pa_4_7610 and Pa_4_7620 genomic sequence. Nucleotide. Deposited February 25, 2018. Accessed October 15, 2024.
EndNote reference type


  • Add authors or institution to the Investigators field. 
  • Add the title of the dataset title to the Title field.
  • Add the title of the website to the Place Published field.
  • Add the deposited date as known (Year only, or Month, Year, or Month Day, Year) to the Original Release Date field.
  • If there is no DOI for the item, enter the URL in the URL field and the access date in the Access Date field, e.g. September 11, 2024.