Machine Translation is an automated process in which a computer program converts text in one language into another.
You are:
Some Machine Translation tools use artificial intelligence. Visit AI and The University of Queensland to find out what you need to consider before using these tools. AI tools for assignments has tips on how to acknowledge and/or reference your use of these tools, and an example coversheet you can submit with your assignment.
UQ graduates should be able to independently demonstrate a high standard of written and verbal communication skills. Using language fluently and without assistance is crucial in the workplace.
Some assessments do not permit the use of Machine Translation, while others may allow it with some limitations.
Before using Machine Translation for your assessment, check if your course allows the use of these tools. You may find this information in your:
You can also ask your Course Coordinator if you are unsure.
Once you submit an assessment item, you are responsible for all work produced by Machine Translation, including errors that arise.
Any permitted use of Machine Translation for assessment must be acknowledged appropriately.
Your Course Coordinator will provide guidance on how to reference the use of AI tools.
Examples of how to acknowledge your use of Machine Translation include:
You must acknowledge that you have used Machine Translation in your assessment. Failure to acknowledge the use of Machine Translation can result in Academic Misconduct.
Acknowledgement should include the extent to which you used Machine Translation. For example, you might acknowledge:
For a specific section:
Chapter 5 was produced with the assistance of <insert tool name> (eg. Google Translate, BabelFish, Grammarly, ChatGPT etc). The text was originally written in its entirety in English.
For a specific action for the whole document:
The work was edited/corrected/translated using <insert tool>.
For your input after Machine Translation:
This article was translated into English from [LANGUAGE] using <insert tool>. The author is unable to verify accuracy/the author used <insert tool> to verify the translation provided.
For your input after Machine Translation:
This work was post-edited by the author, after being translated from <insert language> to English using <insert tool>.
For your input after Machine Translation:
Interview transcripts in Indonesian were translated into English using <insert tool>. The author then checked the results for accuracy.
Not all referencing styles provide guidance on how to reference machine translation. Many Machine Translation tools use AI. Visit generative AI tools for assignments for tips on how to cite or acknowledge these tools and an example coversheet you can submit with your assignment.
References should:
You can acknowledge your use of Machine Translation by:
If in doubt, check with your course coordinator or ask the Library.