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Chicago 16th edition referencing style

Footnotes and Bibliography for the Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition

Newspaper articles

Unsigned articles can be cited very briefly in a footnote. These references will not appear in the bibliography at the end of the document, e.g.

21. Courier Mail (Brisbane), April 10, 2000.

If an article from a commercial database does not have a stable or persistent URL, or a digital object identifier (DOI), just give the name of the database, e.g.

14. "The War in Iraq: A Timeline," Toronto Star, October 22, 2011, Factiva.

Signed, feature articles should be cited in more detail. These references can be included in the bibliography, e.g. 14. Tony Stephens, "The Stain on Redfern’s Past," Spectrum, Sydney Morning Herald, February 28-29, 2004.

The Chicago Manual of Style does not require page numbers for newspaper articles. However the section name should be given if appropriate: see the previous example.

The city where the newspaper is published should be given, unless this is obvious from the name of the newspaper.