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MKTG2508 - Brand Management and Strategy: Market research

This guide is designed to assist students in MKTG2508 to find suitable resources for their Brand Strategy Audit

Get started - Background reading

Part of getting started is to do some background reading to become more familiar with the task and the topic. Consult:

  • Lectures and tutorial notes

  • Textbook

  • Reference materials such as marketing dictionaries, encyclopedias and handbooks (see below)

Once you have a core understanding of your task and topic, investigate other secondary sources such as those featured in the remaining tabs in this guide.

Primary market research involves collecting raw data and may include: focus groups; surveys; questionnaires; interviews; or observations

Secondary market research is research that has already been collected. It will help you gain an initial understanding of your market and may be:

  • existing data compiled by an organisation

  • case studies prepared on key businesses, markets or industries

  • demographic and statistical information (eg. census data)

  • commercial industry or market reports

Key journal article databases

LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning is a database that contains a collection of online training videos and tutorials.

The above link will take you through to the general database that you can search for videos on market research, presentation skills, brand and branding and general marketing content.

Logging in to LinkedIn Learning

As with, you must activate a LinkedIn Learning account to access the course content. You do NOT need a personal LinkedIn profile to use LinkedIn Learning.  You can connect your LinkedIn account or create a separate LinkedIn Learning account. 

To activate your LinkedIn Learning account: 

  1. Navigate to LinkedIn Learning 
  2. Click Sign in
  3. Click Sign in with your organization account
  4. Enter your UQ email address in this format:
    • Students -
    • Staff - version with at the end
  5. You will be redirected to the UQ Single sign-on page where you can login using your UQ username and password. Any existing learning history and certificates from your account will be in your new account.


If you have a personal LinkedIn profile you can choose to connect your Learning account if you want additional features such as course recommendations for your skills and position and what’s trending on LinkedIn Learning. 

Screenshot of Linkedin Learning login screen showing alternate buttons to log in using a LinkedIn account or to continue without connecting a LinkedIn acount.


Select the "Continue without connecting my LinkedIn account" button to activate your LinkedIn Learning account without connecting to a LinkedIn account.