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Publication metrics for the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Investigator grant

Use this guide to access example statements and instructions for finding key evidence to include in your NHMRC Investigator Grant application. Note that not all sections will be relevant to your application.

Publications performance

Are your publications performing well (in terms of citations)? 

  • Check if you have any Highly Cited PapersHighly Cited Papers are found in Web of Science and are considered to be achieving a high standard of performance.
  • Find the relative citation impact (Field Weighted Citation Impact) of your publications - the relative citation impact compares your paper(s) to similar publications in terms of age, discipline and document type.
  • See how many of your papers rank in the top 1%, 5% or 10%

Your standing as a researcher

What is your standing as a researcher? 

Publication citations


Who is citing your publications?

Where are they from (in terms of location and subject area?) Note: It may be useful to highlight citations within subject areas that you haven't published in, or countries of authors that you haven't published with. 

Why are they citing your work?

Non-scholarly publications

Have you published in journals aimed at an audience beyond the scholarly community, such as the clinicians or practitioners or the general public?

Examples include:

  • The Conversation - look for your readership analytics 
  • Publications issued by professional or accreditation bodies.

Co-author with client facing authors

Have you co-authored with any client or patient facing people (that may translate the research into practice)?

Online attention of publications

What is the reach and influence of your publications (in terms of online attention)?

Who is mentioning your work, where are they from and what are they saying?


Do you have datasets publicly available - either in general repositories or discipline specific repositories?

  • Have any of your datasets been cited? This may strengthen its validity and significance.
  • Search for datasets that you have made visible to see if they have been cited.