My publication ABC has been cited in 2 policy documents by the World Health Organization (Scopus; PlumX, MMM YYYY)
Sage Policy Profiles is a free tool you can use to track how your research has been cited in policy from governments, think tanks and policymakers across the world. It enables you to download this information for all of your publications - rather than having to look at each publication individually through PlumX.
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PlumX Metrics provides details of online interaction with individual research outputs and is available for publications indexed in the Scopus and CINAHL databases.
Several of my publications have been cited in clinical guidelines for cancer – for example two of my publications have been cited in the Dynamed Plus guidelines for Ovarian cancer and Adnexal Mass and two in PubMed-indexed Clinical guidelines (PlumX, MMM YYYY).
Note: This can demonstrate translation of research into clinical practice.
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Check the publications citing your work to see if any are guideline documents.
From your author profile in Scopus, you can view Cited by and review the documents citing your work for guidelines and consensus statements that can help demonstrate translation of research into clinical practice.