If you have any difficulties accessing Library resources or experience an issue in Library Search, try these suggestions.
UQ students and staff can access most online Library resources off-campus. A few databases have licensing conditions that require you to be on-campus or within the Library.
UQ Alumni: Check the databases available off-campus with a current UQ Alumni membership.
When you're on campus, many databases and publishers recognise that you're on the UQ network and give you access without you needing to log in. If you're off-campus and not logged in, databases and publishers may not recognise that you're from UQ.
Check Library Search first if you are prompted to log in or pay to view a resource after following a link from a search engine, website, email or social media. Try the following options to check if you can access the resource through the Library:
We are part of the OpenAthens Federation, with login options often available on provider platforms where they are part of this Federation.
Use Library Search to search for and access the resource - this will give you links to access available resources, or request options if the resource is not currently available.
You can setup your Google Scholar preferences to show the link View @ UQ Library on your search results. This will give you direct access to online articles when you are off-campus. You can also use the Get @ UQ Library option for requesting resources by document delivery.
Google Scholar does not index all resources, so try Library Search if you don’t find it in Google Scholar.
Visit Link or embed resources in courses for how to share links that will work off-campus for UQ students and staff.
Note: On 26 June 2023 we moved to OpenAthens as our system for providing convenient and secure access to online resources. OpenAthens replaced EZproxy, which was then retired on 9 January 2024.
A log in option may be available on provider platforms by institution name: University of Queensland (OpenAthens).
You can contact us for fast help via chat, email, desk and more.