Using a Library Search link ensures that your students will be prompted to log in to the Library if they are off-campus or need to log in to view an item. To get the link:
You can share videos from Library Search in your course, copy:
Visit the Video guide for information on:
LinkedIn Learning is a software and skills training platform and is free for UQ students and staff.
Our LinkedIn Learning online courses page explains how to:
Link to a freely available online content by copying the URL from your browser window and adding it to your course.
Do not link to websites, images, YouTube videos or documents that include content which you may suspect is available online without the copyright owner's permission.
If the resource is not freely available, and can only be accessed by UQ users, you can create a link that works on and off campus using one of the following methods.
Add this prepend at the start of the existing URL:
For other links, use the OpenAthens Link Generator (opens in new window) to create new links to resources. You can generate up to 50 links at a time.
Some electronic resources cannot be redirected using the generator. For these providers, share a link to Library Search instead (above, on this page):
The generator will not remove EZproxy from existing links or convert an EZproxy link into an OpenAthens link.
From Wednesday 28 June 2023, we asked UQ staff to replace EZproxy links to electronic resources.
EZproxy was retired on January 9 2024.
Visit Electronic resource access via OpenAthens from 26 June 23 for more information.