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Link or embed resources in courses

How to link or embed resources in your Learn.UQ (Blackboard) course.

Use our digital learning objects

Digital learning objects (DLO) are resources that explain key concepts in engaging ways and can be used in your courses to help build your students’ research and digital skills.

  • Many include interactive elements and multimedia.
  • Formats include H5P, Pressbooks, videos and guides.
  • You can share a link to any of the DLO and some you can embed in your course.

Digital Learning Hub

Use our Digital Learning Hub to find a digital learning object.

The next sections:

  • explain features of the Digital Learning Hub
  • give instructions on how to reuse the different object formats in your course.

Log in for extra features

UQ teaching staff (and students) can log in to the Digital Learning Hub to access additional features.

Get notified of updates to objects

You can select to be notified when an object you are using is updated. We will email you when we make significant changes to the object so your course content is always up-to-date.

Submit your object to the Digital Learning Hub

You can request to submit your object to be included in the Digital Learning Hub via a link on the hub. Read more about submitting a request.


You can choose to embed the H5P object in your course or simply share the direct object link.

You will need a H5P account to embed the H5P object into your course to check student completions.

Download the H5P

  1. Go to the H5P object
  2. Click Reuse then Download as a .h5p file.Reuse and download options

Add the H5P to your course

If you would like to check your students' responses and completion of a module you can:

  • Embed the object in your course - to view completions in H5P Reports.
  • Link the object in your course -  to allow results for questions to be transferred to Grade Centre and view completions in H5P Reports.


You can choose to embed or link the Pressbook in your course. The modules are also available for your students to download in EPUB, PDF and HTML format to help with accessibility.

Embed a Pressbook in Learn.UQ (Blackboard)


  1. Go to the module home page
  2. Select Common Cartridge (Web Links) under the Download this book options
  3. Go to your Blackboard course 
  4. Go to Course Management 
  5. Click Import Package/View Logs 
  6. Click Import Package 
  7. Click Select a Package and navigate to the .imscc file you downloaded from the module
  8. Scroll down to Select Course Materials and select all the options 
  9. Click Submit

In your course site, the module will appear in a new content area in your course. Each module chapter will be a section. You can copy, move and delete the chapters in your course.

Embed Digital Essentials in a Learn.UQ course (YouTube, 1m 55s) 

Blackboard Ultra

  1. Copy the URL of the Pressbook
  2. Go to the Learning Resources section in your Blackboard Ultra course
  3. Click +
  4. Click Create
  5. Click Teaching tools with LTI connection
    1. Click to edit the title (where it has New LTI Link...) to enter your Pressbook's title
    2. Select Visible to students
    3. At Configuration URL enter your Pressbook's URL
    4. Add a Description
  6. Click Save.

Note: You can click the More options dots to go back to make changes to the entry after you have saved it.

Add a link in the course menu


You can link to the video in the Digital Learning Hub or embed the video in your course.

Embed a YouTube video in Learn.UQ

  1. Copy the video URL
  2. Follow the instructions on Embed a YouTube video to add it to your course.

Submit your object to the Digital Learning Hub

You can submit a request to add your digital learning object to the Digital Learning Hub. A link to submit is available via the hub.

If you would like to submit an object for inclusion, the object must be:

  • created by UQ staff or students
  • licensed for reuse, e.g. an open licence. UQ copyright is acceptable to allow reuse by UQ users
  • using only material owned by the author or used with permission
  • accessible
  • suitable for a broad audience or at a faculty or discipline level, rather than for a specific course or assessment task
  • created using a UQ template if the format is Word or PowerPoint
  • reviewed annually and updated where required.

Note: Objects that are not reviewed within a 12-month period may be considered for removal. The Digital Learning Hub is a portal for current content, rather than a repository. It is not used to store files or for version control.

Instructions for the Request to submit your object form

You will need to complete all the required fields to be able to save and submit the form.

Publishing user

Set to your UQ username.

Owning team

  1. Select Create a team (if your team is not already listed).
  2. You can add your own details to the name of Team, Team manager and Team email if it is not appropriate to add a team name or email.

Object title

  • At least 8 characters.  
  • Usually, the same as the actual object. 

Description of the object

At least 100 characters. The description is displayed after the user clicks on the object in the result list.

Summary of object 

  • At least 20 characters. The summary is displayed in the list of results.
  • You can select to use a summary taken from your description.

Cultural advice

Select if the object includes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander content that requires cultural advice. 

Web address

Add the URL of your object.


  • This can be as simple as - "Copy the URL to link the object in your course."
  • You can add more detailed instructions depending on what is required for your object.


  • All the filters are required except for Graduate Attributes.
  • All the filters allow multiple selections except Licence.


  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander – content has information related to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
  • Assignments – content aimed at undergraduates completing assignments.
  • Digital skills – content on digital literacy and digital capabilities.
  • Employability – content for developing skills for the workplace.
  • Referencing – referencing style guides or content that covers referencing.
  • Research – content on advanced research practices.
  • Software – content related to software resources.


  • Undergraduate
  • Honours
  • Higher degree by research
  • Teaching staff
  • Researchers.

Graduate Attributes

These are defined on ITaLI's Graduate Attribute page. Check if the object content matches the description of the Graduate Attribute when assigning the filter.

Item type  

  • Guide – mainly text content that explains how to do something (find information, complete processes).
  • Instructional object – specific instructions on one topic.
  • Interactive – content allows the user to interact in some way, quizzes (e.g. H5P content)  
  • Module – a structured collection of content with a number of sections and activities.
  • Presentation – content that provides an overview or introduces a topic (e.g. video or PowerPoint) . 
  • Training recording – recording of training sessions or workshops.
  • Video guide – video content that explains how to do something.
  • Other – content that doesn't fit into the other item types.

Media format

  • Audio
  • Dataset
  • H5P
  • Image
  • PowerPoint
  • Pressbook 
  • PDF
  • Spreadsheet
  • Video
  • Webpage
  • Word document
  • Other.

Subject area

  • All (Cross-disciplinary)
  • Business; Economics
  • Engineering: Architecture; Information Technology
  • Health; Behavioural Sciences
  • Humanities; Arts
  • Law
  • Medicine; Biomedical Sciences
  • Science
  • Social Sciences.


 Refer to Creative Commons Licence information for each licence type.  If you are unsure select Other.

  • CC0/Public domain 
  • CC BY Attribution 
  • CC BY-SA Attribution Share Alike 
  • CC BY-NC Attribution NonCommercial
  • CC BY-NC-SA Attribution NonCommercial Share Alike
  • CC BY-ND Attribution No-Derivatives
  • CC BY-NC-ND Attribution NonCommercial No-Derivatives
  • UQ Copyright – refer to the UQ Intellectual Property Policy.
  • Other – content that is not licensed with any of the other licence types (e.g. GNU licence). Add the licence type in the description of the object.


  • You must add at least one.
  • There is no limit but we recommend around 3 or 4.


Click Save when all fields are complete.  The form will be submitted.

We will contact you to follow up on your object submission. Email the Digital Learning team if you have any questions.

Questions about our digital learning objects

If you would like help using an object or have any questions, suggestions or feedback about the Digital Learning Hub, you are welcome to: