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Guide to using Library Search

Use different features in Library Search to find the results you need, including books, articles, journals, video, audio, theses, past exam papers, course readings and more.

Narrow your results with filters

Narrow your results by including or excluding filters.

Exclude results by selecting the exclude icon which appears when hovering

Click on:

  • a filter entry to include it
  • the exclude icon which appears when you hover over the filter entry.

Apply multiple filters at once

  1. Include filters by selecting the checkbox.
  2. Exclude filters by selecting the checkbox and then clicking the Exclude icon to toggle from include to exclude.
  3. Click Apply filters to finish and update your results. 

Lock active filters

Lock your active filters to keep them in place for your current search session.

  1. Click the Lock icon beside any active filter, or
  2. Select Lock all filters.

Active filters in Library Search, with a locked, included and excluded filter. The 'Lock all filters' and 'Remove all filters' buttons are below.

Any unlocked filters will be removed if you do a new search.

You can save your search filters.

Remove active filters

  1. Click the X on the individual filter at the top of the panel, or
  2. Select Remove all filters.

Expand your results

Expand your search results further to discover more resources.

Enable these toggles:

  1. Search within full text:Expand results with two options to include results regardless of availability and search within full text
    • Include results from matches to full text indexed content, abstracts and table of contents
  2. Include results regardless of availability:
    • Include results that are not available in the library collection, and
    • Include results within larger works, such as journal articles or book chapters. 

Note: The toggle to Include results regardless of availability is automatically enabled if your search query returns no results in the default search.

Request access to unavailable items

Change the number of results per page

Library Search will show 10 results per page by default. You have the option to select 25 or 50 results per page.

When you're logged in, your browser will remember your selection in the future. 

Sort your results

A list of results can be sorted in the following ways:

  • Relevance (default): Ranked by the Library Search software algorithms matched to your search terms
  • Date-newest: The most recently published items at the top
  • Date-oldest: The oldest published items at the top
  • Author: A-Z by surname of first author
  • Title: Sorts with special characters first (eg. -, +, $), then numbers, then letters A-Z. Ignores "The" and "A" as first words.

Your sorting option selection will be remembered for your session.

Most popular filters

  • Available online: Items that can be accessed online.
  • Peer-reviewed: Resources which have been peer-reviewed. Note that not every article or review in a journal is necessarily peer reviewed. Learn more about peer-reviewed articles.
  • Open Access: Resources which have been published as Open Access. Learn more about open access and embargoes.
  • Physical items: Physical format items that are held by the Library.
  • Currently available in the Library: Physical items that are available to be borrowed or viewed. Some items such as those held in Fryer Library and Warehouse material will need to be requested after logging in.
  • Access conditions apply: Resources that are restricted in some way, such as by an embargo period with no current access, or which require an appointment to be made in advance, or that may be available only to UQ staff and students after logging in.