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Books, databases, journals, websites and other resources for bioinformatics.

Library Search: Books

Books can be an excellent source of high quality information for many subjects. 

You can opt to search just for books from Library Search by selecting 'Books' from the drop down menu. This will search all physical and eBooks in the UQ Library collections.

Selecting 'books' from the drop down menu

You can also limit to just the millions of eBooks available via UQ Library:

  How to access and use eBooks

Finding your textbooks

To find textbooks for your course:

  1. Go to Library Search.
  2. At the first drop down box choose Course reading lists.
  3. Type in the course code.

Open educational resources (OER)

eBooks and eTextbooks to legally and freely copy: Open educational resources (OER)

Browse the shelves

 Use call numbers to browse items on Library shelves.

Bioinformatics books will be in the range QH324.2 - QH324.25